Friday, May 31, 2019
The Hero’s Journey in Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now Essay
The Heros Journey in Francis Ford Coppolas Apocalypse NowThe guns journey in Francis Ford Coppolas Apocalypse Now begins in the known natural world. The hero in Francis Ford Coppolas masterpiece is Captain Willard. A call to adventure arouses when Willard is sent for to report to the general in command to receive his mission. Willard is informed of a renegade Colonel by the comprise of Kurtz, who has assembled his own followers and army. Kurtz left and disappeared from the Army and is killing American soldiers that come into his turf. Willards mission is to travel up river by boat deep into Cambodia, catch Colonel Kurtz, and eliminate him by any means necessary. After Willard receives this call to adventure, he sometimes recalls in his head how silly his choice is to go throu...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Importance of Stress Management Essay -- Exploratory Essays Resear
The Importance of Stress Management Stress today can be described as that which disturbs a persons mental and physical hale-being (Morrison 1). Common symptoms of stress include chronic fatigue, changes in appetite, drug and/or alcohol abuse, encumbrance sleeping, body aches, and changes in emotions (Cooper 1-2). And although stress is something that is inevitable, it can be controlled. Just about everything we do today creates stress, both good and bad. In the face paced and technological domain of a function we live in, stress management is key to survival as well as sanity. Stress can be caused from numerous things for example, a death in the family, divorce, or loss of a job. But stress is also attributed to sm eacher things such as bouncing a check or sitting in a line of traffic. Though most people refer to stress as the negative things, stress can also be positive. Marriages or births are just two examples of the many positives that contribute to our stress levels (Morrison 2). According to Morrison, 7 out of 10 people surveyed said they felt stressed in a typical workday (Morrison 1). On-going stress can result in many problems be it physically, mentally, socially, and intellectually. Morrison also reports 70-80% of all visits to the doctor are for stress-related illnesses (Morrison 1). Approximately 50% of all illnesses today can be attributed to stress (Morrison 1). Stress management is becoming a very important factor in todays society as well as in the business world. $200 billion dollars is spent every year by North American businesses on account of stress. Employees that are oftentimes absent cost companies money. The unreliable help and the lack ... ... of stress. The better we can adapt to life changes and stressful situations, the better off we will be emotionally, behaviorally, physically, and mentally. flora Cited Carter, Carol, Joyce Bishop, and Sarah Lyman Kravits. Keys to Success. Prentice Hall Upp er Saddle River, NJ 2001. Cooper, Phyllis G. Stress Management.ClinicalReferenceSystems.<http// p.1497 2000. In Brief-How Women Handle Stress Is There A expiration? Harvard Mental Health Letter. Aprv17i10pNA<http//> 2001. Morrison, Deborah. Get a Grip on Stress. Healthy & Natural Journal. Feb v8 i1 p50<http// 40&year2=&year1=&tcit=1_1_0...> 2001.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Essay --
Ilmu pengetahuan tanpa nilai-nilai yang mulia belum tentu dapat melahirkan masyarakat yang baik dan berjaya. Nilai-nilai yang mulia tanpa ilmu pengetahuan juga tidak akan melahirkan masyarakat yang berjaya. Begitulah ungkapan kata-kata bestari oleh mantan Perdana Menteri kita, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, Bapa Pemodenan Negara yang merupakan salah satu daripada pencetus kegemilangan dunia pendidikan negara.Selamat pagi dan Salam 1 Malaysia saya ucapkan kepada Pengerusi Majlis,Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Johan Ashaari bin Murti, Menteri Pendidikan merangkap Timbalan Perdana Menteri.Yang Berhormat Datuk Romario Ansam anak Rungah, Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan. Yang Amat Berhormat Pehin Sri Maher Zain, Ketua Menteri. Yang Berhormat Freddy Jabu anak Jugah, Timbalan Ketua Menteri.Yang Berhormat Datuk Halimah, Menteri Tugas-tugas Khas Dalam Negeri berkaitan Pendidikan. Yang Berhormat Datuk-datuk dan Datin-datin. Yang Berbahagia Datuk Ariffin Faiq, Ketua Pengarah Pendidikan.Yang Berbahagia Dat uk Sabri bin Rahmat, Rektor IPGM.Yang Dihormati Encik Hafiz Azman, Pengarah Pendidikan Negeri.Yang Berusaha Puan Saftuyah binti Safri, Pengarah Institut Pendidikan Guru Tunku Abdul Rahman.Pengarah-pengarah IPGK dan Wakil-wakil Pengarah IPGK.Yang Berusaha Encik Amir bin Jamal, Timbalan Pengarah Institut Pendidikan Guru Tunku Abdul Rahman.Ketua-ketua Jabatan Persekutuan dan Negeri.Ketua-ketua Jabatan dan Ketua-ketua Unit Institut Pendidikan Guru Tunku Abdul Rahman.Pensyarah-pensyarah Kanan. parity Pensyarah.Staf-staf Sokongan.Para Graduan.Para Ibu Bapa.Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan dekat di hati.Tegak rumah kerana tiangnya, tegak bumi kerana paksinya, tegaknya saya di sini adalah untuk menyampaikan sebuah pidato yang bertajuk Kecemerlan... ...unyai muhasabah diri, mereka mampu mencipta nama dan berjaya di peringkat global.Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan yang dihormati sekalian,Sedarkah anda bahawa percubaan dan uji kaji ribuan kali telah dilakukan oleh Thomas Adison untuk mencipta lampu yang dapat kita nikmati faedahnya sehingga ke hari ini? Tahukah anda bahawa Colonel Sandera telah bersusah payah siang dan malam untuk mencipta resepi rahsia KFC nya sehingga semua kita yang pada hari ini menjamahnya sehingga menjilat jari? Sikap sebeginilah yang wajar diambilkan sebagai contoh dan panduan sekiranya kita ingin betul-betul cemerlang dalam akademik bahkan kehidupan kita seharian. Antara rahsia kejayaan orang-orang yang hebat ini ialah kepatuhan kepada disiplin. Lihatlah wahai dunia bahawa orang-orang yang berdisiplin ini yang akan menggoncang dunia Bak kata pepatah, siapa yang menuai, dia akan dapat hasilnya.
A Short Night Means Long Consequences Essay -- Health, Sleep Deprivati
Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt. The clock reads six oclock in the morning, and blaring buzzes of the alarm clock awakens residueing teenagers from their slumber. As they drag their still lethargic bodies through the door on their way to the car or the bus, they tell themselves every single day that they demand more sleep. This is more true than they can fathom, as the effects of sleep deprivation in teenagers prove to be quite damaging in some(prenominal) the short and long term. Teenagers stay up late to get to all sports practices, music practices, and possibly even their job, and then they come home to multiple hours of training which they stay up until midnight, and many days even later than that, to finish it all. Then the cycle begins again with the groggy adolescent going to school, and complaining active such a short nights rest. If high schools started later, teens would have extra conviction to sleep in before shoving off again, and would be passing beneficial to their physi cal and mental health in the long run.There are many causes for sleep deprivation in todays teenagers. A big reason is the hectic schedules that dictate their lives and the lives of those around them. Many teenagers have multiple later on school activities including athletic practices, music practices, and some ms even jobs after school. So, to make time for all their activities, they take from their sleep time. The main reason kids cut out sleep for other activities is because they do not think sleep is that important to their schedules. Even administrators think this, with some thinking that older kids needed less sleep than the younger kids (Bettelheim 557). Science and countless hours of research have be this myth false, but even still little is being done to c... ...n the busy teen thinks that Sleep is the pocket change with which we buy extra time (Clemmit 125), but this notion is false. Such a vital part of a persons life should be made as enjoyable as possible, and the quality of physical and mental health will be substantially improved. As for teenagers, in order to correspond with their natural rhythms, maximize their learning and skill potential, and greatly increase their overall health, the start times of high schools should be moved back. Break the cycle of the groggy adolescent, driving fatigued to school entirely to fall asleep in class and miss out on the opportunities school can offer. The teens of today take care of this country soon enough, the least(prenominal) that can be done is give them a chance at a sufficient nights rest so they have time to dream of all the big things they will do with their lives tomorrow.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Tropical Rainforest Destruction Essay -- Deforestation Essays
Tropical Rainforest Destruction IntroductionIn the minute that it takes you to read this page, a piece of tropical rainforest the sizing of 10 city blocks will vanish forever (Lewis, 1990, pg 40). Rainforests around the world are being destroyed at such rates, three hundred and cardinal days a year. The rainforests are home to over half of all living things andcover less than 7 percent of the land surface of the man (Lewis, 1990, pg 14). This paper analyzes tropical rainforest destruction from many different perspectives because there are several contributing factors to the destruction of rainforests. Topics addressed in this paper let in an introduction to rainforests, causes and examples of rainforest destruction around the world, results of rainforest destruction and solutions to rainforest destruction. At the end of this paper there is an appendix to aid the reader in understanding the concepts presented.Why are rainforests important?Rainforests are an asset to the e ntire world. The destruction of rainforests worldwide is a problem because it eliminates habitat for wild life and depletes the footing of vital environmental services. Environmental services are what nature provides for human beings at no charge. Conservationists point out that people take these services for granted, so they are undervalued, exploited, and disappearingWe rely on forests for wood, medications, and foodon plants to pump oxygen into the atmosphere and absorb carbon dioxide on wildlife to keep pests in better and distribute seeds and pollinate plants that provide us with food and other goodsIf we put a price tag on these services, we might be more habituated to protecting earths other living inhabit... ...edication will prevent the complete decimation and destruction of the rainforests upon which the planet so desperately depends.Literature Cited1) Alexander Cockburn, S. H. (1989). The dower of the Forest. New York Courier International Ltd.2) Gallant, R. A. (1991). Earths Vanishing Forests. New York Macmillan Publishing Company.3) Gay, K. (2001). Rainforests of the World (2 ed.). Santa Barbara ABC-CLIO, Inc.4) Institute, W. W. (2000). Vital Signs 2000 (1 ed.). New York W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.5) Josep M. Camarasa, R. F. (2000). Encyclopedia of the Biosphere (Vol. 2). Michigan The Gale Group.6) Jukofsky, D. (2002). Encyclopedia of Rainforests. Connecticut Oryx Press.7) Lewis, S. (1990). The Rainforest Book. Los Angeles sustentation Planet Press.8) http//
Tropical Rainforest Destruction Essay -- Deforestation Essays
Tropical Rainforest Destruction IntroductionIn the minute that it takes you to read this page, a piece of tropical rainforest the size of 10 city blocks will vanish forever (Lewis, 1990, pg 40). Rainforests around the world ar being destroyed at such rates, three hundred and sixty-five age a year. The rainforests are home to over half of all living things andcover less than 7 percent of the land surface of the globe (Lewis, 1990, pg 14). This opus analyzes tropical rainforest destruction from many different perspectives because there are several contributing factors to the destruction of rainforests. Topics addressed in this paper include an origination to rainforests, causes and examples of rainforest destruction around the world, results of rainforest destruction and solutions to rainforest destruction. At the end of this paper there is an appendix to aid the reader in misgiving the concepts presented.Why are rainforests important?Rainforests are an asset to the ent ire world. The destruction of rainforests worldwide is a problem because it eliminates habitat for wild life and depletes the earth of indispensable environmental services. Environmental services are what nature provides for human beings at no charge. Conservationists point out that people take these services for granted, so they are undervalued, exploited, and disappearingWe rely on forests for wood, medications, and foodon plants to pump oxygen into the atmosphere and absorb carbon dioxide on wildlife to keep pests in check and destine seeds and pollinate plants that provide us with food and other goodsIf we put a price tag on these services, we might be more disposed to protect earths other living inhabit... ...edication will prevent the complete decimation and destruction of the rainforests upon which the planet so desperately depends.Literature Cited1) Alexander Cockburn, S. H. (1989). The Fate of the Forest. unused York Courier International Ltd.2) Gallant, R. A. ( 1991). Earths Vanishing Forests. New York Macmillan Publishing Company.3) Gay, K. (2001). Rainforests of the World (2 ed.). Santa Barbara ABC-CLIO, Inc.4) Institute, W. W. (2000). Vital Signs 2000 (1 ed.). New York W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.5) Josep M. Camarasa, R. F. (2000). Encyclopedia of the Biosphere (Vol. 2). Michigan The Gale Group.6) Jukofsky, D. (2002). Encyclopedia of Rainforests. Connecticut Oryx Press.7) Lewis, S. (1990). The Rainforest Book. Los Angeles Living planet Press.8) http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Hih Collapse Essay
HIH were put into provisional liquidation which brought there huge obligations to light. The corporate officers, auditors and regulators of HIH failed to see, remedy or report what should have been obvious. And some of those who were in or close to the management of the group ignored or, worse, concealed the true state of the groups steadily deteriorating financial position. 2. A large quantity of the public were affected by the collapse as HIH was a massive insurance company who would not be able to pay many people out.Former employees of HIH now found themselves without a job, and left many industries such as building in rumpus as people could no longer supply compulsory home warranty insurance. 3. I think that the main cause of the collapse would be the coat up there losses and writing false statement to balance the situation. A privation of attention to detail, a lack of accountability for performance, and a lack of integrity in the companys internal processes and systems.Com bined, these features led to a series of business decisions that were poorly conceived and even more poorly executed. 4. A vital part of the work of this Commission has been its deliberations on the future. Everything that can be done should be done to minimise the risk of a collapse of the severity of the HIH ruin happening again. Recommendations include the regulation of insurers, structural reform affecting the industry, accounting considerations and management and control of corporations.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Deception Point Page 36
Jesus Christ Norah shook the dev frost and looked again. Damn it Somethings got to be wrong with this refractometer brine? Corky gloated.Norah frowned. Partial. Its registering tierce percent brine-which is totally impossible. This glacier is a s today pack. Pure freshwater. There should be no salt. Norah carried the sample to a nearby microscope and examined it. She groaned.Plankton? Tolland asked.G. polyhedra, she replied, her voice now sedate. Its one of the planktons we glaciologists commonly see in the oceans under ice shelves. She glanced over at Tolland. Theyre dead now. Obviously they didnt survive long in a one-third percent saltwater environment.The four of them stood in silence a moment beside the deep shaft.Rachel wondered what the ramifications of this paradox were for the overall discovery. The dilemma appeared minor when compared to the overall scope of the meteorite, and yet, as an intel analyst, Rachel had witnessed the collapse of entire theories based on smaller snags than this.Whats going on over here? The voice was a low rumble.Everyone looked up. The bearish frame of the NASA decision maker emerged from the dark.Minor quandary with the water in the shaft, Tolland said. Were trying to sort it out.Corky experted almost gleeful. Norahs ice data is screwed.Bite me twice, Norah whispered.The administrator approached, his furry eyebrows lowering. Whats wrong with the ice data.Tolland heaved an uncertain sigh. Were testifying a three percent saltwater mix in the meteorite shaft, which contradicts the glaciology report that the meteorite was encased in a pristine freshwater glacier. He paused. Theres withal plankton present.Ekstrom looked almost angry. Obviously thats impossible. There are no fissures in this glacier. The PODS scans confirmed that. This meteorite was sealed in a solid matrix of ice.Rachel knew Ekstrom was correct. According to NASAs compactness scans, the ice sheet was rock solid. Hundreds of feet of frozen glacier on all sides of the meteorite. No cracks. And yet as Rachel theorized how density scans were taken, a strange thought occurred to herIn addition, Ekstrom was saying, Dr. Mangors content samples confirmed the solidity of the glacier.Exactly Norah said, tossing the refractometer on a desk. Double corroboration. No fault lines in the ice. Which leaves us no explanation whatsoever for the salt and plankton.Actually, Rachel said, the brass instrument of her voice surprising even herself. There is another possibility. The brainstorm had hit her from the most unlikely of memories.Everyone was looking for at her now, their skepticism obvious.Rachel smiled. Theres a perfectly sound rationale for the presence of salt and plankton. She gave Tolland a wry look. And frankly, Mike, Im surprised it didnt occur to you.42Plankton frozen in the glacier? Corky Marlinson sounded not at all interchange on Rachels explanation. Not to rain on your parade, but usually when things freeze they die. These littl e buggers were flashing us, remember?Actually, Tolland said, hand somewhat Rachel an impressed look, she may have a point. There are a number of species that enter suspended animation when their environment requires it. I did an episode on that phenomenon once.Rachel nodded. You readed northern pike that got frozen in lakes and had to wait until the thaw to swim away. You also talked about micro-organisms called waterbears that became totally dehydrated in the desert, remained that way for decades, and then reinflated when rains returned.Tolland chuckled. So you really do watch my show?Rachel gave a slightly embarrassed shrug.Whats your point, Ms. Sexton? Norah demanded.Her point, Tolland said, which should have dawned on me earlier, is that one of the species I mentioned on that program was a kind of plankton that gets frozen in the glacial ice cap every winter, hibernates inside the ice, and then swims away every summer when the ice cap thins. Tolland paused. Granted the species I featured on the show was not the bioluminescent species we saw here, but maybe the same thing happened.Frozen plankton, Rachel continued, excited to have Michael Tolland so enthusiastic about her idea, could explain everything were see here. At some point in the past, fissures could have opened in this glacier, filled with plankton-rich saltwater, and then refroze. What if there were frozen pockets of saltwater in this glacier? Frozen saltwater containing frozen plankton? Imagine if while you were raising the heated meteorite through the ice, it passed through a frozen saltwater pocket. The saltwater ice would have melted, releasing the plankton from hibernation, and giving us a small percentage of salt mixed in the freshwater.Oh, for the love of God Norah exclaimed with a hostile groan. Suddenly everyones a glaciologistCorky also looked skeptical. But wouldnt PODS have spotted any brine ice pockets when it did its density scans? After all, brine ice and freshwater ice have diff erent densities. scarce different, Rachel said.Four percent is a substantial difference, Norah challenged.Yes, in a lab, Rachel replied. But PODS takes its measurements from 120 miles up in space. Its computers were designed to differentiate between the obvious-ice and slush, granite and limestone. She turned to the administrator. Am I right to assume that when PODS measures densities from space, it probably lacks the resolution to distinguish brine ice from fresh ice?The administrator nodded. Correct. A four percent derived function is below PODSs tolerance threshold. The satellite would see brine ice and fresh ice as identical.Tolland now looked intrigued. This would also explain the static water train in the shaft. He looked at Norah. You said the plankton species you saw in the extraction shaft was called-G. polyhedra, Norah declared. And now youre wondering if G. polyhedra is capable of hibernating inside the ice? Youll be glad to know the answer is yes. Absolutely. G. polyh edra is found in droves around ice shelves, it bioluminesces, and it can hibernate inside the ice. Any other questions?Everyone exchanged looks. From Norahs tone, there was obviously some sort of but-and yet it seemed she had just confirmed Rachels theory.So, Tolland ventured, youre saying its possible, right? This theory makes sense?Sure, Norah said, if youre totally retarded.Rachel glared. I beg your pardon?Norah Mangor locked stares with Rachel. I imagine in your business, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing? Well, trust me when I tell you that the same holds true for glaciology. Norahs eyes shifted now, looking at each of the four people around her. Let me clarify this for everyone once and for all. The frozen brine pockets that Ms. Sexton has proposed do occur. They are what glaciologists call interstices. Interstices, however, leap not as pockets of saltwater but rather as highly branched networks of brine ice whose tendrils are as wide as a human hair. That meteor ite would have had to pass through one hell of a dense series of interstices to release enough saltwater to create a three percent mixture in a pool that deep.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Baseball vs. Football
If youre like most Americans, you probably have a favorite NFL team. You probably watch foot goon games on TV and if you live in a city with an NFL team, you may shell turn up the cash to spoil a game ticket to cheer them on. That is to say, no matter where you live, you almost certainly watch the Super scene of action, even if its just to check out the exciting commercials. In fact, if youre not wearing an NFL team logo hat, T-shirt, or jacket today, youll almost certainly run into some unitary who is. The NFL, it seems, has become an inescapable presence in American culture.Although baseb every drop dead(predicate) is know as Americas favorite pastime, professional football is the countrys most commonplace sport, and has been since the 1960s. According to Forbes Magazine, the NFL is economically the strongest sports organization in the world today. (Vogan, T. 2011) On the other hand, baseball game game legends like Babe Ruth, Willie Mays, and Roberto Clemente will always be remembered, especially for their prominent accomplishments and remarkable sportsmanship. What happened to Americas favorite pastime sport? I grew up playing my favorite game baseball. I remember playing and envisage of being one of my favorite players.I knew the stats of every player in the baseball compact. In particularly, I loved going to the ball park, eating ball park franks, and watching my baseball heros play. This was the most exciting childhood memory for me. For this reason, I feel sorry for todays children. They begettert know what its like to sit back and enjoy baseball, like it was back in those days. My greatest fear is that baseball is no endless Americas favorite game. What caused baseball to lose its popularity? Its not easy to pinpoint. I can only speculate as to how this happened. For one thing, all the scandals, the controversy issues, and the trikes, fans have been disappointed by the unsportsmanlike conduct that resulted from this. The 1990 season bought m ajor controversy. For example, Pete Rose was ruled ineligible for the hall of fame by major unite baseball for gambling on games. Lets not forget about the Barry Bonds incident in 2007, that convicted him for the use of steroids in every vain of his body. Certainly, all of the steroid have words led other players down the same road. Players were randomly selected and busted on drug tests, the hitters in baseball have taken a backseat to the pitchers which no one wants to see.Another key point to why baseball is losing its swag, is because the ridiculous salaries paid to the players. USA today provided a detailed report, showing the total payroll for the immature York Yankees. The payroll was at a whopping $202,689,025. The average salary for each player was $6,756. 300. (USA Today, 2011) Compared to the NFL New York Giants, total payroll was a mere $138,354,866 and averaged $2,470,622 per player. (USA Today, 2011) Consequently, this has caused a rope of controversy amongst the p layers, owners, and the league. Lets talk reality, baseball owners are forking out a huge amount of money, to buy themselves a World Series.In my books you cant buy a championship. To put it another way, NFL players must display a supreme test of strength and endurance. Unlike baseball, football has a high risk factor for injuries. When comparing the compensation of two sports, it appears the risk factor hasnt been taken into consideration. In comparison to baseball, football has gained more popularity and amongst our coevals today. In 2004 Gallup polls reported that, 64% percent of Americans identified themselves as football fans, 52% said they were baseball fans. (Isley. K, 2006 pg. 1) In the NFL, we see extremely bright NFL players.Day after day, these men go out and take a beaten. They earn the salary and gain the respect they deserve. You never hear the football league talking about strikes or walkouts. Of course, there are a few football players that embarrass the profession but the numbers are a ring less noticeable. How many World Series can compare to the excitement of the last couple Super Bowls? The NFL has been able to make the Super Bowl not only exciting with the parity of the league, but they make it the most entertaining of all championship games. In Conclusion, in football we see sharp players in the game, making less money then baseball players.They appear to be more loyal and genuine to the game of football. As a kid, I was huge fan of baseball, but I dont love what it has become. Even though my heart will always be in baseball, I can honestly say that, Im a bigger football fan, at this time in my life. It appears to be true that baseball is not nearly as popular any more as it once was. Clearly, baseball is not the favorite mass media sport anymore, and hasnt been for the last 40 years. As television replaced radio as the preferred entertainment medium, football replaced baseball as the preferred sport to watch.ReferencesKeith, Isley (2 006, August 18) Really? Is baseball less popular? Hard Ball Times, Retrieved from http// USA Today. (2011) Salaries Databases. Retrieved from http// Vogan, Thomas. (2011, May 02,) Historians, storytellers, mythmakers NFL films and pro football experience. Proquest Dissertation and Theses. Retrieved from http//
Friday, May 24, 2019
Blue Colour
My Favourite Colour Open our eyes and everything we see is tintful. We all live in a world where colour is often a part of us despite affecting us in our daily lives. Colour in everyday life is varies, from knowing that a fruit is ripe to eat, to understanding how colour can affect and influence our lives. Scientifically, colour is is known as motiveless of differentwavelengthsandfrequenciesand light is just one form of force that we can actually see that is made up from photons. We are all surrounded by electromagnetic waves of energy of which colour is a small part.Color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. Much has been studied and written about color and its impact on our daily lives. When I close my eyes and visualize, the only colour that clicks my mind at first is the colour, blue. Blue is known as the coolest colour. The reason blue is my popular reason is that of all the colors in the spectrum blue compliments well-nigh all other colors. Blue is the master of backdrops. Interestingly, blue is the color of the universe and character such as sky, ocean, sleep, twilight.Besides that, blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity, modernatization and spirituality. Blue is often the chosen color by conservative people. Blue is the calming color that makes it a wonderful color to use in the home, work and many more environments. Right now as I stare out my window, the horizon is almost a white-washed blue and as I look up the colors deepen to an ocean blue. Blue, in my eyes is the beautiful and soothing colour. My favourite football game team is Chelsea Football Club. Co-incidentally, blue is their official colour and they are well known as the blues. In here, I realized sportiness in the colour blue.Furthermore, the reason I like blue is because I have come across some facts about the colour itself. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows benignant metabolism and produces a calming effect. So, one who is on healthy diet and would like to do some work out may paint their surround in blue for the calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize goodness and sincerity. Actually, blue represents both sides in a melancholic way as it has never been an overly emotional color. By overly emotional it is never been to the extremes although it can lead there.Blue is the color that refreshes the mind and the color of relief as it washes over you. Other than that, I am a male. Blue is often referred as a masculine color. According to studies, it is super accepted among males. I too feel the masculinity and calmness when I am in blue. Most of my attires are in blue regardless of tail or light blue. That does not mean other colours are exceptional, but I prefer blue the most. Conclusively, there are unlimited reasons wherefore blue seems to be the most interesting colour in my eyes, but it is the most wonderful colour that appears across my eyes. My day is delighted with blue, the inspirational colour.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Second Chance
The Second Chance When she came to, there was only the cold. She was on her side, against something hard, and it was draining the heat aside of her, from the very marrow of her bones. She tried to raise her head, but had not yet come far enough into consciousness. She relaxed, and only then came to understand that she was lying on concrete. Thoughts flashed randomly, scattered and incomplete. She cognize she could not remember her name, and that sudden insight sent her into panic. How did I get here? She fought to gain control over her fatigue and the befog in her mind.She lifted a hand and found she could wiggle her fingers. She tried an eyelid only to let it slam shut again in result to the sharp, blinding light of an overhead fixture. She slowly turned her head on the unforgiving concrete, away from the light, and tried again. One eye opened, then the next, and as her eye slowly focused she saw a shiny black pair of boots standing next to her. Her eyes drifted up from the boot s to the existences face and realized that it was a police officer shining a flashlight in her face. He calmly said, Dont worry maam. The ambulance is on its way. Youre gonna be just fine. As she began to hear sirens growing closer and closer, her eyes began to close again as she slowly drifted back into unconsciousness. She awoke again to find herself in a hospital bed, still panicked and unsure of whom she was. She looked over to see a nurse staring back at her. When the nurse noticed that the patient roles eyes had opened and was conscious again, she scrambled out of the room yelling for a doctor. The frantic nurse outleted seconds later with a tall, middle-aged man dressed in all white who introduced himself as Dr. Wilson. He began by asking the woman if she knew her name, to which she replied with a small shake of the head.He then asked her if she could remember anything that happened antecedent to the fall, to which he received the same retort. It is common for patients wi th head trauma like yours to have some memory loss, but your memory will usually return in time, the doctor reassured her. I will say though, from a fall like that, you are very lucky to be alive. In response to hearing this remark, the woman rolled her eyes and turned over to go back to sleep. After a week in the hospital, the woman still has no knowledge of who she is and no one has filed a missing persons report looking for a woman that matches her.Since she has recovered from most of her injuries, the hospital decides to release her to a womens shelter in hopes that they can help her further. But after a few days of being in the shelter and with no progress, the woman decides to go for a walk. She begins walking the streets with no intended direction or place in mind. But the more she walks the clearer things become. And she eventually realizes that she has walked this path before. She soon comes to an all similarly familiar overpass. As she stands there looking down at the hi ghway below her, she smiles and says aloud, This time wait on a semi-truck before you jump, Jenny.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Growing Up Around, During, and After World War Ii
During and After World contend II Around and during World War II there were legion(predicate) challenges and many exciting and terrifying events occur. Many things happen such(prenominal) as the great(p) Depression, Pearl Harbor, C)- twenty-four hours, and Hiroshima. Billie Jean Ramsey-styles grew up during this time. Billie was natural in Brownsville, Yankee County, North Carolina on December 30 1930. Her mother was a homemaker her father was a brick mason.She lived in a five-room house that had electricity but did not have an indoor tearoom. She did household chores like washing laundry and, dishes, making beds, carrying in firewood and cleaning house (Styles). According too U. S. tale teacher The Great Depression was the period of time in which the stock market crashed, banks failed, and the U. S. Had an economic fallout (Mueller). It was a point in time when flock did not have much of anything and they had to work hard to afford what they did have. Many people could not a fford toys for their children. The children from this time still found things to do such as play kick the can, hide and eek and, they also cut out people from magazines and used them as paper dolls. The depression also affected shallow budgets. Schools could not afford sports uniforms or other sports equipment. Me and my cheerleaders team made our uniforms in Home CE. Many people lost their Jobs and had to work at Civilian preservation Corps Camps. The camps were similar to the military. People were in small groups and wore uniforms. They had to work and follow all rules, but in return they got three square meals a day and a Job.The ICC camp in Brownsville worked on the Blue Ridge Parkway (Styles). According to an article called Invasion of Poland, Fall 1939 The beginning of the war, on September 1st 1939 Poland was invaded by Germany. Germany defeated the Polish army within weeks and Britain and France declare war on Germany because Germany invaded Poland. Russia invaded eastern P oland on September 17th Billie Jean remembers this time Clearly me and many other people were worried that Germany and Russia would invade the United States.I may have been worried but she felt safe in the mountains of North Carolina (Styles). The U. S. Gets involved in the war. On December 7th 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese (Mueller). The Japanese had planned to destroy the Pacific Fleet but failed because, all of the aircraft carriers were forward on missions or training (Pearl). Billie remembers what she was doing when she heard the news about Pearl Harbor. She was working a Jigsaw puzzle while her father was on the set listening to the radio- this was before the television.All of a sudden they heard We interrupt this program for a special announcement. Japan has bombed Pearl Harbor. Billie and her family were sad for the families whose loved ones were injured or killed in the attack. They were also upset that the U. S. Had been attacked. They continued to listen to the radio. Eventually, they heard The U. S. Is now at war. Since the U. S. Entered the war the government started to ration cabbage and gas (Billie). The rationing of sugar and gas caused a rise in the black marker (Mueller).The Invasion to Normandy, D-day, was on June 6 The plan was then to land and invade five beaches forward the coast of France (Mueller). Billie remembers what happened when the invasion was successful The invasion was broadcast on the radio. I remember what happened when the invasion was successful. Everybody went to the town square to celebrate. The church bells were ringing, the fire whistle was dismission off and people were having fun. During this time period many stores shut take in on Wednesday afternoons and people would get together and make victory gardens.When asked what victory gardens were she replied success gardens were kitchen gardens planted during wartime to relieve food shortages (Styles). August 6th 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on H iroshima. This signaled the end of the war (Mueller) Billie and her family were glad the war was over but bitter that so many people had to die to end it. They were also cared because such a destructive bomb had been developed (Styles). After World War II everyone was rejoicing and relieved that the war was over.People were happy that the soldiers were returning home. Sugar and gas rations stopped you could buy more at the grocery stores. After the war things died down and returned to normal (Styles). Growing up around, during, and after World War II was an interesting time. There were many challenges and many exciting events, such as The Great Depression, D-day, Pearl Harbor, and Hiroshima. Billie Jean Styles and other people lived during this era. I chose Billie Jean Ramsey-styles as my interviewee cause she is my great, great grandmother, who is still alive.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
History of Cinema Essay
From the very offset printing its existence the celluloid has created works of art worthy to stand similitude with the masterpieces of painting, music, literature, and theatre. Even to a greater extent than that, the cinema is irremovably embedded in the whole history of the twentieth century. It has not only shaped but also reflected the reality of the times. The cinema gave also jump to the aspirations and dreams of people all over the world. This work willing focus on the master(prenominal) historical factors and the conditions surrounding the history of dart-making.However, it is also the case that it is simply impossible, in a work of this size, to do justice to all the many individuals, technologies and processes that have played noteworthy roles in the history of cinema. The history is not only evoke in its own right it tail assembly also illuminate with particular clarity how the cinema works as a whole. This work consists of four main parts the Early times, the Sile nt moving picture, the Sound Cinema, and the Modern Cinema from 1960 to the modern times. In each part the paper looks at history of the cinema in general.As far as possible this paper will cover each development from a broad international perspective. The Early Cinema From the offset the cinema developed quickly. What in 1890 had been just a dream had by 1913 grown into a whole industry. First directs were just moving snapshots. They were only genius minute in length and nearly all consisted of just one shot. By 1905, the films were usually five to ten minutes in length and include changes of site and camera position to create a story or show a theme.Later, in the early 1910s, when the first feature-length films appeared, there diminished by little emerged parvenu techniques for handling complex stories. At this time the process of creating of films had itself grown into a large-scale business. Specialist offices had emerged, exceptionally intended to the making of films. Du ring the 1910s the breast of supply became Los Angeles Hollywood. The early cinema of from the mid- 1890s to the mid-1910s is often called pre-Hollywood cinema. The cinema of this period has also been called pre-classical.Actually the styles of filmmaking common in the early years have neer been completely shifted by Hollywood or classical modes, even in America. Many films continued to be pre- or at any rate non-Hollywood in their style for a long time. only if it is right to say that much of the cinema development in the years from 1906 or 1907 can be considered as laying the ground for what later became the Hollywood industry. Silent Cinema On the contrary to popular belief, the history of animation did not begin with Walt Disneys profound film Steamboat Willie in 1928.Before that film there was a popular tradition, a film industry, and a vast number of films considering nearly 100 of Disneys (Hayward 234). The general history of the animated film begins with the use of tra nsient trick effects in films around the turn of the century. As several genres emerged (Westerns, chase films, etcetera ). During 1906-10, there appeared at the same time films made all or mostly by the animation technique. Since most films were a single reel. There was little programmatic difference between the animated films and others. But the multi-reel film trend developed after around 1912.Animated films retained their one-reel-or-less(prenominal) length. Until the First World War, animation was a completely international phenomenon. However, after about 1915 the producers in the United States began to control the world market. In a quarter of a century, the silent cinema created a tradition of film comedy. The cinema arrived at the end of a century that had witnessed a rich development of popular comedy. Later, the new proletarian au drop deadnces of the great cities of atomic number 63 and America found their own theatre in music hall, variety, and musical comedy. With the se popular audiences, comedy became constant demand.When life was bad, laughter was a comfort when it was good, they valued to enjoy themselves just the same. Famous comedy mime troupes of the music halls, similar the Martinettis, the Ravels, the Hanlon- Lees, and Fred Karnos Speechless Comedians, can be seen as direct predecessors of one-reel slapstick films. Karno, in fact, was to train two of the greatest film comedians, Charlie Chaplin and Stan Laurel (Hayward 56- 58). The term documentary did not become popular use until the late 1920s and 1930s. In the beginning it was applied to various kinds of creative non-fiction screen practice in the post-First World War, classical cinema era.Originating films in the category have typically comprised Robert Flah erty s Nanook of the matrimony ( 1922), various Soviet films of the 1920s such as Dziga Vertovs The Man with the Movie Camera (Chelovek s kinoapparatom, 1929), Walter Ruttmanns 11Berlin Symphony of a City (Berlin die Sinfonie der GroBstadt, 1927), and John Griersons Drifters ( 1929) (Cook 89). Early documentarians used the magic lantern to create complex and often sophisticated programs out of a while of projected photographic images.The images were attach to by a live narration, with an occasional use of music and vocalise effects. By the turn of the century, films were gradually replacing slides. This in turn gave rise to the new terminology. The documentary tradition preceded film and has continued into the era of television and video. In this way it was redefined in the light of technological innovations, as well as in the context of shifting social and cultural forces. British films of the period were often quite sophisticated, particularly in the comic and actuality fields.Narrative editing, too, was often innovative. Sound Cinema The development from silent to sound cinema marks a period of revolution in the history of cinema. The revolution 4can be easily dated from 6 October 1927, with the Ne w York premiere of Warner Bros. The Jazz Singer in which Al Jolson pronounces the immortal line You aint heard nothin yet with more or less perfect synchronization between his lips in the film and his voice recorded in parallel on a disc (Hjort 90). Filmmakers began to use innovative sound technology that produced panic in cinema industry.In the same time it encouraged experiments and hopes too. term it decreased popularity of Hollywoods films for several years, it stimulated a rebirth of national film production all over the world. This period in the history of cinema has specific features that make it unique in comparison with the years before and after. The coming of sound itself, and its world-wide implications is the first look. Then the focus is on the world of the studio apartments, how the system operated particularly in Hollywood and how different aspects of the cinema were combined together during the studio period.The studios were not entirely free to make films simp ly for the market. The system also encountered problems of how to regulate itself to take account of political, social, and moral concern. While other countries experienced political censorship of varying degrees of severity, the Hollywood cinema suffered relatively little interference from central government. The Hollywood was instead faced with guardedly orchestrated demands for a moral clean-up and the risk of intervention by local censor boards (Neale 78-79).Along with spoken dialogue, the major innovation of the sound cinema was synchronised music. The art of musical illustration that was used during the silent period was changed by the synchronized music. A considerable difference was, certainly, that filmmakers began to use music as a part of the fictional world. For instance, music could now be introduced when the film showed an orchestra or an actor performing a song. Then, sound film would use music not only to the picture, but to dialogue as well. Music became pure back ground.Composition, performance, and recording were all subject to studio control, and the production of musical tracks of high quality can be counted one of the greatest achievements of the system. Outside Hollywood music tracks were often less polished. But directors were more often free to work with composers of their own choice, and Sergei Prokofievs music for Eisen stein s Alexander Nevsky (1938) provides an interesting contrast to two classic Warner Bros. scores of the same period Erich Korngolds The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) and slime Steiners Casablanca (1943).Modern CinemaThe most significant change in world cinema since 1945 was that produced by the breakdown of the Hollywood studio system and of its competitors and imitators elsewhere. By the early 1960s the Hollywood system was in severe disarray. Declining audiences and a series of costly flops left the major studios on the verge of bankruptcy or open to hostile take-over. While the studios experienced difficult ies, new enterprises such as American International Pictures emerged. These companied made low-budget movies that were intended for the new youth and drive in markets. Many new genres came into being.One of such innovations was the road movie. It prove to be influential not only on more mainstream American films but throughout the world. The mainstream itself was forced to innovate, drawing inspiration both from the down-market competition and from the new cinemas emerging in atomic number 63. In Europe the most important single event was the emergent explosion on to the scene of the French New Wave the Nouvelle Vague with first features by Claude Chabrol, Francois Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, and Alain Resnais following each other in quick succession in 1958 and 1959 (Hjort 123).The New Wave had been briefly preceded in Britain by the Free Cinema movement, and was followed by the Young German Cinema which announced its existence in the Oberhausen Manifesto of 1962 and went on to renovate the lackluster West German cinema later in the decade. In Italy the change was less sudden but no(prenominal) the less significant, with the creation of Federico Fellinis La dolce vita and Michelangelo Antonionis Lavventura in 1960. It was beginning of a new art cinema. Changes in the 1960s were not confined to Europe.The Cuban Revolution in 1959 gave an impetus to the growth of new cinemas throughout Latin America, notably in Brazil (Cook 45). In Japan the studio system which had nurtured the work of the great masters such as Mizoguchi and Ozu was also in crisis, and in the changed situation allowed for the entry on to the world stage of directors like Nagisa Oshima, who was to play a role in Japanese cinema similar to that of Godard in France. The new cinemas greatly extended the boundaries of film art. They brought new audiences into the cinema, for whom films assumed an remarkable cultural importance.Throughout the 1960s and into the 1970s the cinema spoke more direc tly to these mainly young audiences than did any of the more traditional art forms. But outside Italy, France and England the innovate cinema with the new realities was not popular. Because of the limits on the size of the audience, the new cinema had to be low-budget or propped up by allowance (sometimes both) in order to survive (Guneratne 67). The new period in Hollywood cinema begins from the 1975 release of Steven Spielbergs Jaws.The film signaled the birth of a new, younger times of Hollywood directors. Born mainly in the 1940s, they both studied the films of classical Hollywood and were influenced by the filmmakers of world cinema. George Lucas and Steven Spielberg made blockbusters with classic principles. One of the most illustrious filmmaker in the 1980s has been Woody Allen. Allen has made famous films, such as Interiors (1978) and Stardust Memories (1980). Conclusion There exists recognition of the fact that from the beginning the cinema has developed in remarkably si milar ways all over the world.But it is also recognized that from the end of the First World War onwards, one film industry the American has played a main role in the creation of worlds cinema. However, many nations have created their own, culturally identifiable, genre films that proved extremely popular during the 1970s and 1980s. In India, for instance, a remarkable 250 film-making companies, using more than 60 studios, continued to produce 700 feature films a year throughout the 1980s (Kindem 23). The central government encouraged the making of Indian films by requiring all commercial cinemas to screen at least one Indian film per show.A star system, much like Hollywoods of the 1930s and 1940s, is strong in all parts of the world. Indeed Indian stars working on several productions at the same time can become enormously wealthy. The nations survived mainly by learning from Hollywood cinema. At the same time Europe produced a product that corresponded to needs that Hollywood cin ema could not supply. Asian countries have been strong producers of film. Hong Kong, a country of only 5 million people, produces more films than Hollywood.In the 1990s Hong Kongs citizens watched Hollywood and native productions in about equal numbers. In the 1980s Hong Kong martial arts films were distributed world-wide in large numbers. With transmit systems combined with the rise of satellite-distributed services Hollywood penetrates even these markets. Hollywood produced the most famous icons in the world such as Steven Spielberg and Arnold Schwarzenegger. With its international control, the Hollywood corporations could and will define standards of film style, form, and content.
Monday, May 20, 2019
National Health Care Expenditures Essay
Health fretfulness costs ar much blue in the United States than whateverwhere else. It does non matter if it is mensural in total dollars worn-out(a), a percentage of the economy, or per capita basis. The United States has the worlds largest wellness interest market. Health dish out accounts for 40% of all health expenditures and the United States obligates to just 5% of the worlds creation. Considerably higher health upkeep costs do non seem to make U. S. citizens appreciably fitter (Getzen & Allen, 2007). U. S. health give c ar costs continue to rise notably faster than any an other(prenominal) segment of the economy or the populations in brings for more than the last 40 divisions.Americans cannot predominate this forever. The condition of health care economics is the United States gravest crisis, and this gridlock commands a solution. Finding one bequeath not be simple or pleasant (The High Cost of Health Care, 2007). This means the presidential term has to com e up with plans that help contain costs while preparing for the future, and the population testament likely continue to die hard rising costs that place hardships on their household finances. In 2011 US health care expenditure grew 3. 9% to reach $2. trillion, marking the third consecutive year of relatively slow suppuration.Health care expenditures grew 3. 9% consecutively 2009 with 2011, indicating three years of slow growth. Health care spending attain $2. 7 trillion in 2011, also shows in a share of the Gross Domestic yield (GDP) remaining stable at 17. 9 % for the same period. Last year, 2012, finishes out with a little higher annual rate of 4. 3%. For 2012, acresal health expenditures grew at an estimated annual rate of 4. 3% in 2012, a bit higher than the 3. 9% experienced for each of the years 2009-2011.While this assessment is opened to adjustments, it foreshadows a quaternityth consecutive year of record-low growth encompassing the previous 50 years of statistic s. The demonstrate of slow spending at the national outlet aim does not denote the same regarding spending in the personal level. ain health care in feature accelerated in 2011. This spending level went from 3. 7% to 4. 1% because of more growth in spending for prescription drugs, physician fees, and health check provisions. Personal spending grew because of slowing Medicare and Medicaid spending and the increasing rates of private insurance.With slow growth also report in the populations incomes, new jobs, and the GDP, rough are questioning if US health care will rally after this three-year decline (Hartman, Martin, Benson, & Catlin, 2013). Director of the Altarum Center for Sustainable Health Spending, Charles Roehrig, believes that the slow growth in health care spending incites by slower health care price growth, which follows the slower economy-wide inflation. Altarums research proposes that the recession continues to press on health care expenditures, reducing growth b y a percentage point or further.And while the figures are clamorous, health care providers ultimately whitethorn be cutting back employment in light of reimbursement coerces (Altarum Institute, 2013). An average family in the United States with representative full coverage health insurance through their employer currently spends more on yearly health care than on a year of groceries. The specialists at Milliman Inc. , examined the costs of health care for a U. S. family of four and found that the yearly cost of employer sponsored benefits through an employer-sponsored insurance organization increased 6. 2% to $22,030, compared to $20,728 the previous year (Glynn, 2013). disposal is running into a number of major difficulties in attempting to provide health care. maven of these difficulties is how to efficiently earmark resources amid hospital-based services and obstructive, community-based services. Government also considers what particular preventative measures to promote (Bedk ober, 2012). In the long haul, giving medications decision to promote healthy lifestyles may be the best choice. For example, if the population navigates toward healthier lifestyles and preventative measures, hospitals would not have the need to continuously fund for more beds.The question is can the citizens of the United States endure the price it will cost to get to a better place that is economically sounder and healthier? Healthier populate would drive health care costs down, but it definitely will take some time. During the decades it would take to get populate healthier, national spending would need restructuring. It is a known fact that poor people are generally not healthy people. Currently, the high cost of health care is making more people poorer. Costs must come down in order for people having difficulties gain better access to health care.In some instances, too much money is spent in some areas and not enough in others. One of the most profitable industries, accordin g to end magazine is the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industrys profitability in 2005 stands at 15. 7% of sales and stands as the fifth in most profitable U. S. industry. The costs in relation to high-technology treatment, for example in-patient treatment, leads organisation to believe that preventing the advent of diseases rather than simply treating it when it appear is the best financial strategy for the future.Rather than keep to increase hospital bed numbers, organization should fund preventative health measures that will lead to a healthier and more cheaply serviced population (Bedkober, 2012). With this funding, many want to know who genuinely pays for health care. The U. S. Government drew in more than over 2. 16 trillion dollars in revenue in 2010. The American public supplies this revenue. The same year, 2010, signifies the Federal Government becoming the largest financer of health care with 29% of spending. One actually could say that the American pub lic is the financer of health care.One could also say that the public uses various federal official programs to distribute health care fundings. These programs are Managed Care Organization (MCO), Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs) or point-of-service plans (POS), Medicare, and Medicaid, takes a 24% share National Defense, including Foreign Policy, Veterans Administration, and Foreign Aid, is 23% of spending pensions and handicap through Social Security, take a 24% share and Welfare takes 12% of spending. All other spending, including interest on the national debt, takes 18% of federal spending.The graph below shows the Federal Government (29%) especial(a) public households (28%) for the first time. Source Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of the Actuary, National Health Expenditure Data, 2012 release. Contributors finance the nations health care bill by paying insurance premiums, out-of-pocket expenses, and payroll taxes, or by directing general tax rev enues to health care. The federal government and households contributed nearly equally. The following chart breaks down how each contributor directs their spending.Source Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Office of the Actuary, National Health Expenditure Data, 2012 release. another(prenominal) perspective in answering the question of who genuinely pays for health care is to look at the lavatory line to see where all funding actually comes from. All funding comes from taxes. Taxes comes from the citizens of the United States. The whole U. S. population pays for funding. When a patient does not pay cash out of his or her pocket for his or her medical care, every dollar spent on medical care is paid through taxes and insurance premiums everyone.The government and insurance companies do not pay for anything, the population does. The government distributes the money they receive form peoples taxes to other agency payors. This is why individual taxes rise and net wages a re lower. correct when many individuals choose to opt out employee benefit deductions, called a tax advantage, individuals still pay. This tax is allocated from other places. Nothing is free when the bottom line starts with the population.When receiving less money from wage taxes, more money is necessary from other taxes such as fuel taxes, property taxes, income taxes, and Social Security taxes to make up from the shortcomings. One thing is certain, there is a future. The U. S. government agencies may be on the right track, time will only tell. Health care reform is on everyones mind as it will rival every part of the individuals life. Other than costly, there are other population inescapably that require addressing now before it is too late. The United States is in the midst of an aged population explosion.These are people who have or will be leaving the workforce soon. Take into account that the government receives their money from individual taxes on wages. The revenue from these taxes will increase shortcomings that fund the agencies that take care of U. S. health care. This dilemma is a catch 22. Any reform plan must be an attempt to mickle both. This may cause strategically proposed cuts in many areas. The U. S. government must decide on what is highest in priority. Some industries that receive government funding may need to decrease their profits to help the nation.pharmaceutic companies are among the highest in profitability. It is this authors opinion that dropping the companys price of a bottle of medicine would not hurt them near as much as the current high cost of medicine hurts the population. Another area that could help reduce costs would be unnecessary grants to some research organizations. Again using the pharmaceutical industry as an example, this industry conducts much research only for its primary need to fulfill its dominating obligation to shareholders to make a profit. The obligation to patients comes second.There are many resea rches that would not hurt progress if they were dissolved. However the United States plans to reform health care will not take overnight to accomplish. Reform should have been placed into action years ago, but it is hoped that it is not too late. The governments spending of the populations money must go through restructuring with the constant reminder of keeping the people first priority. The people must have protection and estimable access to health care or nothing else will matter if the United States is to remain the great nation.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Nursing Medicine Essay
Medical physicians and nurses have well-built passions about their range of contributions to the health of people. They argon concerned with how expert ideas and welfares are to be weighed against the necessity to maneuver a system that workings for the greater good of the public. Nurses and physicians work hand in hand for the cure and betterment of their patients but what makes them several(predicate) from each other? Some say its better to be a doctor for one(a) has the capability to save lives others say its more fulfilling to be a nurse because you not but help offer cure for the sick, you also give them existent care.Moreover, applying and promoting feel for values in the nurses recitation is not yet necessary to their own health as nurses, but its implication is also late tributary to remembering meaning in their work. Upholding lovingness values in the nurses every day rehearse helps go above the nurse from a state where care for is thought as just a job to that of a rewarding profession. man many people see music as a better profession than care for, they dont realize that nurses also encompass the compe ecstasyce and deep levels of character.The changes in the delivery systems of health care around the world have intensified nurses workloads and responsibilities. Nurses moldiness know how to corporation with patients increased acuteness and intricacy with regards to their health care condition. Regardless of such hardships, nurses are able to find styles to conserve their feel for practice. Giving care to different individuals several hours a day is no easy job. This paper will enlighten people to what the nurse profession really is by discussing the surmise of benevolent caring.Jean Watsons caring theory can be seen as essential to this aim. While the sole focus of medicine is to diagnose a patient and cure his/her disorder or disease, nursing entails giving care to the patient. Without care, the cure for the disease would be possible, but the illness would passive linger because health would tranquil not be attained without caring. The core of nursing is caring, while that of medicine is cure. This paper doesnt imply that medicine does not include caring for patients. Its just that nursing implies caring in a deeper, more attached way.The nursing profession involves working long hours with the sick, developing rapport in every possible way, and acknowledging every patient whatever their attitude or race may be. care for and caring have always been thought of as acting in unison. Most people submit nursing as a line of work because of their longing to care for other somebodys. Watsons caring theory not only allows the nurse to live out the art of caring, it also seeks to offer pardon to ease families and patients suffering, and to support their dignity and healing.According to Watson (2001), the chief elements of her assumption are the carative factors, the trans psycheal caring relationship, an d the caring scrap or caring origin. These fundamentals are described later in the paper, and will be exemplified and viewed in light of the nursing and medical profession. The caring theory or model can also be measured as an ethical/moral and philosophical foundation for professional nursing and a atom of the vital focus for nursing at the corrective level.A replica of caring includes a refer for both science and art it provides a structure that intersects and embraces with science, humanities, art, spectrality, and a new magnitude of body, mind, and spirit. Nursing and medicine is developing openly as a core to human phenomenon of the nursing practice. Carative factors are viewed as a guide for the nursing core. Watson uses the word carative in separate with medicines curative factors. She uses the carative factors for the reason of honoring the human magnitude of the work of nursing and the subjective experiences and inner life world of the patients that they serve.The ca rative factors have ten elements faith-hope, humanistic-altruistic system of value, expressing positive and negative feelings, helping-trusting human care relationship, transpersonal teaching-learning, creative problem solving caring process, human needs assistance, supportive, protective and corrective physical, mental, societal and spiritual environment, and existential phenomenological spiritual forces. This however evolved into the caritas process which has a deeper spiritual magnitude and dimension which means to treasure and to give exceptional loving attention (Watson, 2001).Transpersonal caring regards the harmony of life and relations that move in concentric circles of caring from a person, to others, to the society, to the world, to our planet, and to the universe. Transpersonal caring is naturalised in a happening or actual caring instance. It shows concern for the life within. The patient is regarded as complete and as a whole, in spite of disease or illness (Watson 20 03). The transpersonal nurse looks for a connection to embrace the soul or the spirit of the patient, by way of healing and caring (Watson 2003). sympathize with in the nursing career takes place each time a nurse to patient tactile sensation is achieved. Unlike in medicine, some doctors may look at a patient and just regularize a drug, after that, their deal is finished. In contrast, the nurse seeks to enter the patients world in order to draw closer and know the patient as a caring individual, and that it is from this epistemology that the caring of nursing begins to unfold (Schoenhofer 2002). This caring makes a big difference to the well being of each patient.Caring may happen without curing, but curing cannot take place without caring (Watson 2003). It is with that conviction that nurses are concerned for patients in the anticipation that they add to the well being or cure of that patient. Hope may be the only support an ill person has to keep their optimism. Nurses care adeq uately to credit that hope and hold up for the patient. They have the vision that patient is complete and whole. The one being cared and one caring are interconnected (Watson 1997). Its experiencing human being connection at a deeper level than a bodily pinch (Watson 2003).This connection describes how the nurse goes push than an objective evaluation, presenting concerns toward the persons deeper and subjective meaning concerning their own health care condition. The nurses caring realization becomes vital for the friendship and understanding of the other persons point of view. This approach highlights the exclusivity of both the nurse and the person, and also the mutuality linking the two persons, which is primary to the bond. As such, the one cared-for and the one caring cooperate in connection in mutual front for wholeness and meaning perhaps for the sacred transcendence of suffering (Watson, 2001).The term transpersonal means to go further than an individuals own ego and the here and now, while it allows him/her to arrive at a deeper spiritual connection in promoting the patients healing and comfort. Lastly, the objective of a transpersonal caring association corresponds to enhancing, protecting, and preserving the persons homo, dignity, inner harmony, and wholeness. According to Jean Watson (1988, 1999), a caring occasion is the moment (central point in time and space) when the patient and the nurse come as one in such a way that an instance for human caring is formed.Both persons, with their exceptional and phenomenal fields, have the likelihood to move toward together in a human-to-human contract. The one being cared for and the one caring for are predisposed by the actions and choices distinguishable within the affiliation. For Watson (1988, 1999), a unique field correspond to the persons frame of orientation or the entirety of human experience consisting of bodily sensations, feelings, spiritual beliefs ,thoughts, goals, environmental con sider ations, expectations and meanings of an individuals perceptions, all of which are based upon ones present moment, and ones anticipated future.Not just a goal for the cared for, Watson (1999) insists that the nurse as well needs to be conscious of her own awareness and genuine attendance of being in a caring instant with his/her patient. Furthermore, in cooperation, the one cared for and the one caring can be predisposed by the caring moment throughout the actions and choices decided inside the relationship, thus, influencing and sightly a fraction of their own life history.The caring levelt becomes transpersonal when it permits for the occurrence of the spirit of both, then the occasion of the moment expands the restrictions of openness and has the capability to increase human capacities (Watson, 1999). Nursing can enlarge its obtainable role, durable to make offerings to health care inside the contemporary model by developing its opening health strengths and caring healing that have always been in attendance on the edges (Watson, 1999). Nursing is a caring profession that is privileged as the spirit-filled, spiritual practice that it is.I deem it is a mission for a particular spiritual human being who cares about the spirituality of other persons. The humanistic nature of nursing is reflected in the caring replica. Caring is the innermost concept in the discipline of nursing. Caring may front simple, but it entails these many aspects and it takes a lot of effort to render this, especially to people who we dont even know. Its easier to diagnose a patient and just prescribe some medications its some other story when you try to have a deep relationship with a patient while still upholding your profession.Doctors leave it to the nurse to care for the patients, because nurses are the ones who have an encounter with them 99% of the time. They are the ones who know the patients condition, even their emotions at times. Moreover, not all patients are considerate and thankful for a nurses efforts. Nurses must keep their moods up and not be affected by the ups and downs of their tiresome profession. At the end of the day, they still hold their faces up high and continue caring for every other patient they will be encountering in the future.Caring entails love and loving is not an easy thing to do. It is said that while a nurse enters into a patients room, a compelling field of expectation is produced. In this deeper, more stretched out way of thinking about the power, energy, and beauty of love, a caring moment (Watson, 1999b) becomes a vibrational field of cosmic love full of life that radiates mutuality and reciprocity, which transcends space, time, and physicality sustaining and confirming our humanity and our association with the Levinas. The timelessness of the whole universe (Quinn, 1992).This ethic of caring and loving becomes the first philosophy for sustaining and facing the infinity of the nursing profession. If nurses follow this ethical order, nursing has a serious role in moving humanity in the direction of the omega point, ever closer to God and the unexplained blessed circle of loving, living, dying, trusting, and being. Lastly, a quote to ponder on the care illuminated by the nursing profession in contrast with that of medicine The heart is as broad as the sky, because it can embrace joy and pain side by side. Even in the midst of hard to deal with patients, nurses still choose to care.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
“After twenty years†by O. Henry Essay
The short story After xx years is a classical story written by O. Henry. The story is close to the two char performers that were very(prenominal) best of friends. They grew up in New York until lost sight of each other. One of them leave the f solely out and tried to live in West to make easy money, thus he ended up being a criminal in Chicago while the other earthly c at a timern felt that his get in in his hometown is better and he ended up as a policeman. The two friends made a promise that after twenty years both of them will meet again at the uniform restaurant for the purpose of knowing each achievements that they have done after those years. those years. The story began at the detail place of their appointed place and time. It is nearly 10 oclock at night and rightfully juicy out there. A policeman making his rounds, rattling door knobs to make sure every involvement is batten on his beat. In the doorway of a hardware store that is closed, he comes across a man wh o has an unlit cigar in his mouth. Before the officer flush toilet begin to question him, the man assures him that he is non a burglar that he is merely waiting for a friend. He goes on to light his cigar and pronounce the officer why he and his friend are meeting at such a dark and desolate place. The man, who is Bob, told him that he was waiting for a friend he has not seen for twenty years. Years forwards he and his friend had agreed to meet at the very spot to discuss how their life had rancid out.The man keeps on telling to the policeman how his life turned out obedient that he real became rich and successful. Talking about his best friend, he told the policeman that jimmy will never get out to appear in their agreement for he has been a constant good companion. After saying all these to the policeman, the latter dismisses himself. Twenty minutes after the policeman left, another man went to greet his friend Bob. some(prenominal) of them cheered and make themselves com fortable with each other as they try to unleash the gap on their acquaintance. Shortly, as they approach the front door of the drug store, Bob realizes that this man is not his old friend respect as his nose looks completely different. After the confronting scenario, it turns out that the man has just pretended to be treasure and that Bob has under check mark for ten minutes. The man then gives a note to Bob explaining that the graduation patrolman had been poke and that he went because he did not have the nerve to arrest his old friend, so he had left before hecould be recognized and found a plainclothes officer to arrest him. Friendship is at the heart of After Twenty Years. The character who does the most talking, Bob, seems to be indisputably fervent about seeing his old friend prize.He speaks glowingly about what a great friend Jimmy was and relates that he has travelled across the country, over a thousand miles, to see him again. However, the story is indeed preferably of surprise especially at the conclusion where it greatly shows how Jimmy Wells portrayed a appalling act both to the law and to his friend. I find him loyal in coming to the arranged designation with his friend and in apprehending into the law where he took an oath to serve in just and humane way. The appointment indeed is between Jimmy and his inner being where he was stocked in a very sensitive situation. Either he will let Bob go away and forget the curse he has done or arrest him and stay true to his society under his duty. It seems very unfeasible but the dilemma has solved well on a clever decision of Jimmy. Moreover, the scene where Jimmy sends another man to arrest Bob is my favourite part. Although, it was difficult for him I view this as an act of courtesy to Bob. It simply shows how strong their sentimental bond is. Jimmy also shows great sympathy and observe to his friend despite of the circumstances. Life is indeed unpredictable. You rousenot deeply fathom how t hings really work on its crotchety way. Sometimes people turn bad and sometimes others were naturally made good.However life is once again a matter of choice. What happened to Bobs career and future was primarily his choice and Jimmy couldnt do about it. On the other hand, Jimmy Wells made a good catch in himself as he remained in his hometown, got a noble job and performed well in realizing his duty. Thus, he never compromises the built friendship between him and Bob. After all a choice can be good or the other way around. One may recognize to follow a good path by working on the side of the law and the other may choose to follow a bad path by breaking the law. The most important thing is you did the very thing that God wants you to do and I felt it in the story. Jimmy did a right thing and he solved the dilemma well. The last part of the story which is a note for Bob really moved me. His note is terse and offers no apology for having Bob arrested, but that is the best that Jimmy can do when he and a man who was once his best friend are on face-to-face sides of the law.
Friday, May 17, 2019
National Culture Essay
In other words, although the concept of country unfairly characterizes colonized subjects as istorically unified in their primitiveness or exoticness, the terms obligation of solidarity and unity oft proves helpful nonetheless In their attempts at political amelioration. Fanon encourages a materialist conceptualization of the population that is based not so much on corporal cultural traditions or ancestor-worship as political agency and the collective attempt to dismantle the economic foundations of colonial rule.Colonialism, as Fanon argues, not only physically disarms the colonized subject but robs her ofa pre-colonial cultural heritage. And yet, if colonialism in this smack alvanizes the native intellectual to renew touch modality once more with the oldest and most pre-colonial spring of life of their heap, Fanon is careful to point out that these attempts at recovering content continuity throughout history are often contrived and ultimately self-defeating. l am ready to concede, he admits, that on the plane of factual being the past existence of an Aztec civilization does not change anything very much in the diet of the Mexican peasant of today. In the passage below, Fanon explains that national identity only carries meaning insofar as it eflects the combined revoluuonary efforts of an oppressed people aiming at collective liberation A national culture is not a folklore, not an abstract populism that believes It can transgress the peoples true nature.It Is not made up of the Inert dregs of gratuitous military actions, that is to hypothesize actions which are less and less attached to the ever-present reality of the people. A national culture is the unit of measurement body of efforts made by a people in the sphere of thought to describe, Justify, and praise the action through which that people has created Itself and keeps Itself In existence. Muhammad Slbtaln Haider 11-12-2013National Culture By sibtainJaf because it re-inscribes an essential ist, totalizing, fetishized, often middle-class solidarity and unity often proves helpful nonetheless in their attempts at political but robs her of a pre-colonial cultural heritage. And yet, if colonialism in this sense below, Fanon explains that national identity only carries meaning insofar as it reflects the combined revolutionary efforts of an oppressed people aiming at believes it can discover the peoples true nature. It is not made up of the miry dregs through which that people has created itself and keeps itself in existence. Muhammad Sibtain Haider
Thursday, May 16, 2019
A Critical Analysis on “A study in Scarlet†by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
In his book, A study in Scarlet Sir Arthur succeeded in marrying mystery, intrigues and suspense in concert into peerless. The book has an unusual style of writing, for it is written in two different writing styles that dissolve into one a nonher.The first part has a first person singular diction, while the second part has leash person narrative style. It also has two settings, the first has London settings, while the second setting is America. It is a classical novel that revolves around a detective, Sherlock Holmes, a character who later became famous in other subsequent novels.The novel is divided into two parts, the diction in the first part is or else sarcastic, which has Doctor Watson relates the story in a personal experience style. He briefly explained how he was wounded at the second Afghan war and came back to London to find a decent apartment.It was this count for accommodation that led to his meeting of with Sherlock Holmes, an enthusiast chemist, who can also be desc ribed as eccentric, a cosmos and that later turned detective as the novel unfolds.Holmes is a little excessively scientific for my tastesit approaches to cold-bloodedness.The novel delves into its mystery theme when a dead body was found at run-down building in Brixton with the word RACHE scribbled with blood on a wall near it. Sherlock, who is very extensive in science and criminal investigation, took it upon himself to fish out the culprit irrespective of the fact that he does not have anything to gain from it.You seem to be a walking calendar of crime, You might start a paper on those lines. Call it the Police News of the Past. As he proceeds with the investigation, he keeps blossoming mystery. Firstly, with the help of a wedding ring found at the crime scene, which he advertised in the paper, he found out that the old woman, who came to claim the ring was only disguised as a woman alone was indeed a man. But as he traces this woman, the woman escaped. Not lots later, a poli ce comes to inform Holmes of the arrest of the murderer and one would think that was all about the play, but Sir Arthur had more plots up his sleeves.As the first detective was done, a second detective came to announce another corresponding murder, a proof that the murderer is still at large, that the first police had only jailed an spare fellow. Holmes told both police that he had already solved the puzzle of the mystery killer, that it will only stockpile short while before he apprehend the murderer.He later fulfilled his promise by arresting the culprit, pretending to be going for a journey he deceived the culprit to help him adopt his luggage. As the cabman was packing these things, he brought out a handcuff and arrested him. After severe deal with Holmes and his friends, the cabman realized he was caught and resigned to his fate as the first part of the play ends.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Internationalization of Financial Markets Essay - 1
Internationalization of Financial Markets - Essay ExamplePeople adopt all these strategies to reduce the jeopardy and allocate the resources in a strategic manner.During the last 20 years, internationalization of financial markets has developed at a very swift pace. This took place due to the amalgamation of goods market leading to the presence of international corporations. Imports and exports volumes have increase largely leading to increasing in international transactions. All these elements have increase their presence internationally only the growth of internationalization of financial markets has gone beyond the adjustment of trade. along with this growth, banks existence has also increased internationally with many new branches in new countries to satisfy the unavoidably of customers working for multinational organizations (Horne, 1990).The reason that banks have different packages for different countries is that people have different ineluctably and trends. Some countrie s might have the trend of saving more and some might have enthronisation trend depending on the current situation of the country. If there is inflation in the country, demand is high but supply is very low because the purchasing power of consumers has increased but output has not increased at the same pace. The government will increase the interest rate so that instead of disbursement the money people save the money and do not demand much (Welch & Liostarinen, 1993). During this period, foreigners will bestir oneself saving their money in those countries banks. Similarly, when there is deflation in any country government will cliff the rate of interest so that people invest more to stimulate the production and prices.Moreover, different countries wait different kind of natural calamities and other destructions. Insurance companies have great significance in these kinds of countries, they aggregate premium from people periodically and invest this money in different projects.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Compare the depictions of society and its effects on the individual in Essay
Compare the depictions of federation and its effects on the individual in Emersons Self-Reliance and Thoreaus Walden - Essay ExampleSociety is not meant to be carbon copies of from each one other which is why we were created differently. He further sees society as deceiving themselves by not expressing themselves.He basically uses the same maxim as Aristotle Know Thyself. Moreover, he instructs the reader to explore the person that they truly are. He acknowledges that a person presents themselves as the person that they want society to see but that beneath that is an t come out ensemble different human being and that it is the inside person that should be exposed, not the carbon copies that we demonstrate to others but to insure general acceptance. He also makes the reader wonder why it is that acceptance by others is so wanted by society. Why is the acceptance by society such a prized virtue? It is not, he answers because at that place is no quality in pleasing others for the sake of acceptance.minks and muskrats. Clearly, Thoreau had the same sentiments as Emerson. He withal felt that society had spent far too much time deceiving itself into copying one another. Additionally, he makes it clear that it is the retreat from society that allows an individual to figure out who they are and what their capabilities are. The key is to have the fortitude to find yourself. Further, he sees that society is its own down fall. By living his solitary existence, he notices that there really is not much that an individual needs and that through solitude living, one truly finds out what it is that they need and do not need in life.Finally, in comparing the two writers, it is clear that both(prenominal) maintain a certain loathing for society and what it has come. Additionally, they advise the reader as to what they will become if they simply decide to become a robot designed by the futile mores and fickle mandates that society endorses. It is up to the individual to decide what they need or do
Monday, May 13, 2019
Investigate the root causes of major Engineering disasters that have Essay
Investigate the root causes of major applied science disasters that have occurred since 1800 - Essay ExampleIn engineering, most disasters that have occurred portray a possibility of peremptory one or more provisions of sentry go with some being ca employ by poor decision-making and ignorance. The Chernobyl motive plant disaster The Chernobyl Nuclear power plant disaster of April 26, 1986 although blamed on negligence on the part of operators had some engineering aspects that could have contributed in the disaster, in addition to the operation negligence. The Chernobyl plant used RBMK reactors that have been blamed for a number of negative features that may compromise the safety of the reactors and their operations. The RBMK reactors have neutron palm with high sensitivity levels towards movement of accountant rods, which results from having a high number of absorbers in the reactor kernel aimed at compensating for both extra reactivity (Malko, 1991). When some absorbers are withdrawn, especially affecting most of the absorbers in the peripheral zones, there results a local criticality. Moreover, RBMK reactors involve occurrence of huge positive reactivity that leads to a reduction of the period withdrawd to achieve stabilization of the power produced at the midpoint to about 3 minutes (Medvedev, 1990). These factors make operations of a RBMK reactor problematic and uncertain in maintaining the safety of the reactor. Frankel (2010) observe that the Chernobyl reactor was designed to use graphite moderators that were typically unsafe, in addition to use of graphite rods. As a result, any possible loss of urine in such a RBMK reactor present great danger. Contrary to the operations of Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR), any water that circulates in the pipe network is alone required to serve the purpose of cooling the reactor core only and not to moderate the core and cool it (Frankel, 2010). In PWR reactor cores, removal of the core cooling water woul d cause the intact chain reaction to abort. However in an RBMK-0100 reactor such as the one used in Chernobyl, in case water is lost due to closure of the supplying pumps as was the case, the graphite chair rods continue to propagate and facilitate nuclear chain reactions (Frankel, 2010). Such mechanism, when considered alongside the loss of cooling water in the nuclear reactor core, would lead to overheating of the core in the shortest time possible. In such a case, the event of a core meltdown becomes the only possible event. In addition, in the Chernobyl RBMK reactors, the control rods were not designed as drastic safety features. Control rods are necessary for absorbing neutrons towards minify or stopping chain reactions from taking place. However, in the Chernobyl RBMK reactors, control rods required about 20 seconds to clear up the bottom of the core from their highest position (Medvedev, 1991). This was contrary to modern reactors that have well designed control rods, whi chrequire one second or less, to reach the core of a nuclear reactor stopping any chain reaction. Therefore, in Chernobyl nuclear reactor, the design and engineering of the entire core overlooked key safety mechanisms that could have prevented possible meltdown. The result of overlooking these safety considerations was the 1986 disaster. This was
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Is Ham correct that connection between science and naturalism is Thesis - 1
Is Ham correct that connection between cognizance and lifelikeism is arbitrary - Thesis ExampleThese clearly distinguish it from the philosophy of top-notch natural which is of runway purely based on belief and theories that peck not be tested, argued or experimented. In lore, thither is need for carrying bulge out observations because it plays a very significant role in providing information that can be verified. Through observation, scientists can be able to gather information after personally making an fire of seeing for themselves exactly what happens. In my opinion, may be it is for this reason that Hm it is for this reason that recognition does not encompass the elements of the supernatural because the criterion of observation does not apply in the super natural in which people do not need to make observations.The other important component of science is experimentation. In the process of acquisition of scientific knowledge, experimentation can be conducted. This is don e by carrying out scientific studies in the laboratory based on the theories and hypotheses for that particular research. Whenever doing this, a scientist should be ready to be impartial and committed to the studies. If properly done, a more profound and verifiable results will be produced. These can be relied upon by the scientist as a source of information. However, as already highlighted, science still hang on a subject that requires consent. This may be applicable in the natural law, but contradicts the law of super natural that dictates that everything is owed to a supernatural creature whose existence and performance can not be subjected to both form of experimentation since it is not necessarily needed.Nonetheless, scientific knowledge is defined by omen. It is the act of prediction that compels scientists to carry out studies to ascertain exact values and figures so as to arrive at blameless and conclusive findings. So, because of this, there needs to be a formulation of hypotheses that are used to
Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Impossibility And Importance Of CSR Case Study
The Impossibility And Importance Of CSR - Case reckon ExampleCSR also happens when a great deals commercial enterprise operations (as in the go withs policies and actions) be integrated with friendly values, specifically the stakeholders interests. Usually, it focuses on three things the genial, the financial and the environmental facets of the corporations interactions. It actually has a triple bottom line people, planet, and profit. CSR involves two main concepts transp atomic number 18ncy and accountability. To be accountable is non only to become accountable in terms of the corporation. It also means to be accountable in terms of to its personnel. They flummox to have the right wages, incentives and working conditions. Of course, they should also be accountable in terms of protecting the culture, environment and the economy of the community. Thus, the corporations of today ar expected to perform swell up not only in financial and management areas but also in areas like business ethics, incorporate contributions, community development, diversity, human rights and other workplace issues. With CSR, every companys environmental and social performances are proportional with their financial performance.CSR also happens when a corporations business operations (as in the companys policies and actions) are integrated with social values, specifically the stakeholders interests. Usually, it focuses on three things the social, the financial and the environmental facets of the corporations interactions.s interactions. It actually has a triple bottomline people, planet and profit. CSR involves two main concepts transparency and accountability. To be accountable is not only to become accountable in terms of the corporation. It also means to be accountable in terms of to its personnel. They have to have the right wages, incentives and working conditions. Of course, they should also be accountable in terms of protecting the culture, environment and the economy o f the community. Thus, the corporations of today are expected to perform well not only in financial and management areas but also on areas like business ethics, corporate contributions, community development, diversity, human rights and other workplace issues. With CSR, every companys environmental and social performances are proportional with their financial performance. As mentioned earlier, transparency is important. Now, corporations are expected to communicate their thrusts, projects and policies that affect their employees, as well as the community and the environment. Current global companies that show transparency are proven to be more financially successful as these factors contribute immensely for a sustainable financial growth. Currently, the investors are now making significant efforts to curb their carbon footprints to enhance their positive impact to the community. These companies are more sensitive to the fact that their company can actually have an impact to the soc iety, and that they are/can be actually socially accountable, as well as environmentally accountable. As an incentive, the stakeholders are rewarding the companies who are indeed making efforts to contribute to the societys well-being. However, the biggest criticism comes from Milton Friedman, saying that CSR is a paradox and a complete irony, not to mention impossible. Milton Friedman is an American economist who was a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize for political economy for his achievements in the field of consumption analysis, monetary history, and theory. He thinks that corporations cannot have responsibilities as CSR entails that businesses have social responsibilities. As corporations are only artificial entities, logically, they also have artificial responsibilities but of course, even a business cannot have a responsibility. Sure, businesses are owned by responsible people, and corporations have business executives who have values. These business executives may take p art in a social movement, perhaps join a medical mission to help those in need. They may have other responsibilities that they took on their own, like their family, their church building or even their country. With these responsibilities that they have taken in, they also put in their own money (which they bring in from working in the corporation). Because in these respects he is not working as an agent for the company, he is acting on his
Friday, May 10, 2019
Interprofessional team working in healthcare delivery Essay
Interprofessional team working in wellness trouble delivery - Essay ExampleFor this research, the case that will be analysed is the Case of Tom. This case has been chosen because of the next reasons. First, it puts into oppugn the concept of patientcenteredness. In concrete experiences of patients, what does patient-centeredness means? Is it simply a mantra that we continuously repeat, further do not act upon or is it a reality for some patients and not for all? Second, because of the vagueness of the whim of patient-centeredness, the case highlights the wide divide between health policy and health commission plan and that no matter hard policy lay downrs think of coming up with ways that may theoretically dupe patient centeredness of health c atomic number 18 if it is not implemented in real cases, it is worth nothing. Third, it brings to the fore the output of finish-making in cases of patients that are incapacitated in making the decisions for themselves. Fourth, it emph asises the unclear position of parents in decision-making when it comes to their child who is vulnerated by multiple learning disabilities. Fifth, it presents a stark contradiction to the ideal of interprofessional teamwork to achieve the best quality health care that can be provided to the patients. Finally, sixth, it brings us back to the basics of humanity rights, high-handedness, respect, and human integrity. With these reasons, it will contract on the concept of interprofessional teamwork. The idea of patient-centred is the core of health care plan and interprofessional teamwork in health care services. ... These are 1. The incommodes pertinent to the autonomy, integrity, and dignity of Tom. 2. The ethical concern regarding decision-making in cases where in the patient is incapacitated to make an autonomous decision. 3. The issue of double standards in care vis-a-vis neglect in providing care. 4. The ethical issue of duty of people who are primarily responsible in providing the necessary care for Toms assure and 5. The ethical issue of malfeasance as a result of the negligence of the primary health care providers of Tom. All of these ethical issues are manifested by the failure of the health care team to assess, address and treat the expressions of pain by Tom, which is repeatedly re-affirmed by his parents. In this failure, the entire team failed to recognise and respect the dignity and integrity of Tom as a patient (Gaskell & Nightingale 2010). Tom is in a vulnerated condition of profound and multiple learning disabilities, which places him in a constant situation wherein his dignity and integrity as a person is injured. In this context, treatment should be made available and accessible indiscriminately (Kottow 2010). In his condition, dignity in disease should not be equated with dignity in uprightness, but it is a differing dignity where it is not so important whether we are honk or healthy what matters is to be sick in a healthy way, and not h ealthy in a sick manner. In the question of autonomy, it is apparent that Tom is incapable of making an autonomous decision. As such, in his behalf, his parents have consistently shown that they are advocating for their child. Beauchamp and Childress (2009) have explained that the norm in disregarding parental decision in terms of treatment is when the decision is refusal of treatment that is
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