Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Target location technology, tracking systems Essay Example for Free
Target location technology, tracking systems Essay Today there are many differing forms of tracking systems that can be used to locate targets accurately very much different to the simple procedures used on aircraft in world war two. One of these technologies is symbology. These are imaged laid over the real world images. The images give target position and other relevant information such as the planes heading. The images change as quickly as the real world view change, there is no visible delay as this could have fatal consequences. The target is clear and weapons can easily be directed to the correct point. The guidance images are displayed in the pilots head-mounted display. These are developed at BAE systems, and their design is critical due to the setting they are used in. The headsets are linked to a powerful and accurate computer that works very quickly to update the view almost instantly and to give warnings about dangerous situations. The Kiowa helicopter from the US Army used a symbology system that included night vision. The system recorded the mission allowing the pilot to play it back. The US Army also uses a laser as a target locator. It has been developed into a hand held laser targeting technology that doesnt damage eyes. Currently they are largely ground based but they allow targets to be located and intensified even in the dark. This technology has been transferred onto a military fighter aircraft for range finding in light and dark environments. The system also gives a range finder which can vary between the direct view and an intensified view. The system can digitally provide a magnetic compass that gives range and elevation. They are already used across the world. Another possible technology is the use of intelligent radar systems that lock onto targets allowing missile to be guided. This technology can be found on the patriot missile, which is aimed at incoming missiles. The system depends on ground-based radar that locates and tracks targets however this technology could be developed to fit on an aircraft like the sidewinder missile. This is a very long ranging and variable system. It can run automatically or an operator can intervene if necessary but these need to be very accurate due the speed the missiles travel at. The radar antenna can scan the sky, identify targets, determines aim and positioning of target, gives information and can help direct the missile to the target even when missile has been launched. Two operators watch the progress of the missiles, they can then change things if necessary such as deselecting targets. One form of missile has its own in-built guidance computer and radar transmitter allowing it to guide itself. The technology allows targets to be located very accurately. Especially if the technology is watched over by operators such as the patriot missile radar system. The accuracy could save many lives, as civilian positions are less likely to be hit with the accuracy of the technology. Therefore military targets can be located successfully allowing for a less morbid military operation. The technology often needs much equipment that is highly developed and costly. As resources such as missiles with their built in computer are expended during war, much money is lost. In less developed countries this money would be needed for other vital materials, so the technology may not be used. The wastage of materials would not be environmentally friendly. The new technology would need people to be trained to be able to operate the systems. If a person puts on a headset and does not know what the lines and boxes mean they be useless at controlling it. However the training takes time to be done safely this will cost money but is necessary for the technology to be used
Monday, January 20, 2020
Queen Elizabeth I Essay -- essays research papers fc
Elizabeth I King Henry VIII wanted a son. He had been married for seventeen long years and had only been given a daughter named Mary. Someday one of his children would rule England and it was supposed to be a boy. Henry decided he wanted a younger wife who could bear many children, so he formed his own church and re-married Anne Boleyn. This began the life of Elizabeth. Elizabeth was born on Sunday, September 7th 1533 at three o’ clock in the afternoon. To the King, Anne seemed unable to have any more children. She became pregnant three more times after Elizabeth, only to lose the baby. When Elizabeth was three years old her mother was beheaded for treason and adultery. Henry had his marriage to Anne declared invalid, making Elizabeth illegitimate. His new wife, Jane Seymour finally gave him a son. His name was Edward. Jane died after childbirth and Henry married three more times and had no other children. Now that England had a Prince Elizabeth wasn’t so important. She didn’t live with her father at court, but instead she grew up at the palace of Hatfield, where she had her own governess, servants, and teachers. Elizabeth’s teachers were great university scholars. One of her teachers said that her mind had no womanly weakness and that her perseverance and memory were equal to that of a man. When Elizabeth was thirte en, Henry died and her nine year old brother, Edward became King. Edward who had never been strong or healthy died six years after becoming King. The throne was left to Elizabeth’s half sister, Princess Mary. Mary was married to Prince Philip of Spain. Mary was determined to restore Catholicism to England even if it took violence. Many of the Protestants wanted to get rid of Mary and have Elizabeth take over the throne. Mary found out about this and had Elizabeth locked up in the very tower her mother had been in before she was killed. Elizabeth waited in fear for two months. She was finally released because Mary could find no evidence against her. Elizabeth was sent to a far away palace, with only four decent rooms, where she was kept under house arrest. When some of Mary’s subjects stayed faithful to their Protestant faith she burned almost three hundred of them for heresy. This is where she got the nickname "Bloody Mary." On November 17, 1558, after ruling for five sh... let it happen. She was strong. Elizabeth lived to a greater age than any English ruler before her. When Elizabeth was seventy, her health faded. She named Mary’s son James VI of Scotland as her successor. On March 24, 1603, after 45 years of reigning, Elizabeth died peacefully in her sleep. And the age she lived in was called the Elizabethan age. Elizabeth contributed so much to the people of her time and even to the people of today. Without Elizabeth we would have never been able to enjoy the work of William Shakespeare. She showed everyone that a woman could do "a man’s job." Queen Elizabeth’s Golden Speech: "Though you have had - and may have - many mightier and wiser princes sitting in this seat, yet you never had - nor shall have - any that will love you better." BIBLIOGRAPHY Stanley, Diane and Vennema, Peter, Good Queen Bess NY: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1990 Starkey, David, Elizabeth: The Struggle for the Throne NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 2000 Thomas, Jane Resh, Behind the Mask: The Life of Queen Elizabeth I NY: Clarion Books, 1998 Weir, Allison, The Life of Elizabeth I NY: Ballantine Books, 1998
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Brl Hardy Driving Forces to Become a Global Company
What are the driving forces behind BRL Hardy to become a global company? â€Å"A Global company is an organization that attempts to standardize and integrate operations worldwide in all functional areas. †In general, there are multiple Globalization forces; some of them are: * Industrial: get access to a bigger market to sell the product. * Financial: by emerging worldwide, it is easier to borrow money * Political forces: the raising globalization goes along with the decrease of the importance of the state. Companies can set up their headquarter in different countries, in function of the legislation in those countries. * Technological forces: the new discoveries and the fast evolving technology eases the communication and makes it easier to collect information about foreign/other goods. * Market: when companies globalize, they also become global customers. * Cost: By becoming global, companies can benefit from economies of scale. The company can also locate production in countries where production costs are lower. In early times, the wine industry was very little. There were little village labels and the grapes grew on tiny vineyards. Those factors made the wine industry very agricultural i. e. the harvest was very vulnerable to weather and diseases. On the other side, the wine business had very few multinational companies and therefore very few true global brands. This made BRL Hardy think about expanding its business to multiple locations over the world and become one of the world’s first global wine companies. The first company on the market has a big chance to become one of the biggest companies in his sector. By breaking the habit of growing and selling only its own wine, Hardy was able to build the scale necessary for creating strong brands and negotiating with retail stores. In 1882, BRLH won his first international gold medal at Bordeaux. Winning a price creates a certain reputation, which makes it more likely that the wine will sell if the company becomes a global company. Also, the company was Australia’s largest winemaker, and one of the most respected. Next to this, Australian wine was becoming a trend, and the demand from new customers in nontraditional markets grew rapidly. All this were driving forces to become a global company. Sources: http://www. slideshare. net/gugaslide/global-business-presentation http://www. slideshare. net/RealRedOne/harvard-business-school-brl-hardy-globalizing-an-australian-wine-company http://www. businessschoolnetherlands. com/files/bsn-article_marius-leibold_business-model-innovation_1. pdf http://www. andidas. com/academic/lse_coursework/MN498%20-%20Tesco%20Internationalisation_by_andidas. pdf http://scholar. sun. ac. za/bitstream/handle/10019. 1/3328/Ewouba-Biteghe,%20BS. pdf? sequence=1 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Globalization
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Exploring the Possibility of a Government Cover-Up with...
In late November of the year 1963, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy visited the state of Texas. While there he planned to attend a lunch in Dallas to raise money for the Democratic party. It was decided that the President would travel by motorcade from the airfield at which he landed in Dallas to this fundraiser. Unfortunately, President Kennedy never arrived at this lunch. As the Presidential motorcade drove through an area in Dallas known as Dealey Plaza, shots rang out. One of these shots fatally struck President Kennedy in the head. The motorcade immediately sped out Dealey Plaza and headed to the nearest hospital, Parkland Memorial (Report of the Presidents Commission). The events that occurred in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day of†¦show more content†¦Initial reports on Conally’s wounds stated he was hit in the back, the wrist, and the thigh. Reports on Kennedy stated that he was hit in the throat and fatally in the head. While Air Force One flew back to Washi ngton D.C. Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson was sworn in as the new President of the United States, while a blood soaked Jacqueline Kennedy, now John Kennedy’s widow, looked on (President Kennedy Assassinated). On November 29, 1963, Lyndon B. Johnson signed Executive Order No. 11130. This order called for the formation of a commission to investigate the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The commission was headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren, and is commonly referred to as the Warren Commission. Since the main suspect in the assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald, was killed by Jack Ruby while in police custody, the possibility of Oswald confessing was eliminated. Therefore, the commission was formed to determine who killed Kennedy, how they did so, and why they did it. The commission concluded that there were three shots fired in Dealey Plaza. They based this conclusion upon the fact that three spent bullet cartridges were found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depos itory, along with a high powered rifle. According to the commission, this rifle was incriminating evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald. The rifle was identifiedShow MoreRelatedThe Kennedy Assassinations By John F. Kennedy Essay1486 Words  | 6 Pages Decades later, the Kennedy assassinations and surrounding mysteries continue holding public interest. Although their notoriety as charismatic leaders is a significant contribution, other factors regarding societal psychology deserve consideration whilst exploring this phenomenon. 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