Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Computer Essays (333 words) - Computing, Computer, Subroutine
Computer Computer is useful for finding the information. As long as the Internet is installed in the computer, the people can be able to what they want to find. Of course, they have to waste the time for doing. Acquiring the information, they feel that it is valuable. Renctly years, the number of people is increased by using computer. They can seek the information directly in Internet. That is a very convenient for the people. When the students do the projects, they will find the information in Internet, except library. Finding the things, they compose of the information and construct it in the computer its function such as Microsoft Work, Excel, etc. They have ability to achieve the peoples aim they want. In fact, the computer has plenty of useful functions. The people may not acquaint to all of the functions, only knowing a part of them. They need the time to know every thing in the computer for a long time. The level of the computer is upgraded on each year. Automatically, the functions and others will be increased such as the speed will faster than previous speed. We could say that the computer be able to instead in the position of the people mostly. Of course, the human is clever than the computer. Sometimes, the students will play the games, as they are boring. It makes the students to get the relaxing. On account of their studies bring the some pressure, this may cause them to get vexation, so they need to release their pressure, to get the balance of their mood. Actually the computer has many functions; we should adopt them to develop of every thing. It is essential that the people buy the computer, which has such a lot functions. Nowadays, many jobs need to the computer by helping with powerful function. If only the human had finished the job by hand, they would have done for a long time. The computer cannot be lacked on modern generation. Technology
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Why People Commit Crime Essays
Why People Commit Crime Essays Why People Commit Crime Paper Why People Commit Crime Paper Question 3: People committed crime because of many reasons. From your own point of view, give three (3) reasons why people commit crimes? A crime is an illegal action or activity for which a person can be punished by law. Some people define crime as an act of offence towards the morality of humans. Others might regard crime as an act that harms the universal human rights. Therefore, why do people still commit crimes? There are many reasons why people commit crimes. Some crimes were committed because of hunger, need money, hatred and anger. Meanwhile, the example of crime is robbed, kidnap, burglary, steal and other. The most serious crime is killing another person although their beloved one or their family. Crime is not known about the love and sympathy towards the victim. The first reason is people commit crimes because of their hunger. They steal the food from stall and also from market to fulfill their stomach. This is because they don’t have enough money to buy it. And also the price of food is expensive. For example, the price for one piece of chicken is RM2. 50. The price had burden for certain people. So, they commit to do crimes as their stomach full and not hunger again. Usually, a poor parents steal the food for their children to make them silent crying from hunger. Move on to the next point, the other reason why people commit crimes because of the money. All people need money for survive their life. Nowadays, people just only see who only had money and they will ignore about the people that under privileged. Otherwise, people need money because they want to pay the debt. Also they need in fast time and don’t know where to get it. So, they will rob at the bank and the luxurious house. Sometimes, it can be a serious crime when they kill the owner of a house or the employee at the bank. They do not care about the victim as they get the money. Moreover, the drugs addict that kill their blood family for buy drug. Last but not least, people commit crimes because of their anger and hatred. It also can be called as their selfish reason. This happen when the one person doing something out of control to other person. For example, the current issues at school like bullying. So, the bullying victim will revenge to the person that had bullying him/her. This may make serious crime like killing someone or beat their organ until paralyzed for the rest of life. As a conclusion, people commit crime because of their self. They need to control their emotion and know what they do is a wrong way and not good for their next generation. In addition, it gives bad influence and the crimes cannot be banned again. So, the government must play their best role to give the punishment to the criminal like a death penalty for the drugs addict and serious crimes. The reason why people commit crime because of their hunger, need money, anger and hatred can be solve if each of people give the best commitment and not to selfish. (505 words)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Elastic Clause of the US Constitution Assignment
Elastic Clause of the US Constitution - Assignment Example â€Å"Implied†powers are â€Å"those powers given to Congress by Article 1, Section 8, clause 18, of the Constitution that is not specifically named but is provided for by the necessary and proper clause†(p. 45). Accordingly, the necessary and proper clause exists to afford these implied powers to Congress in order to make sure the federal government has the power to carry out the laws â€Å"which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States†(p. 44). This clause is problematic for many because it falls along the Federalist/Anti-Federalist divide and the contemporary Conservative/Liberal divide. However, the problem with the necessary and proper clause is not with its controversial and contentious nature, but with the fact that it is vague, ambiguous, and is designed for subjective interpretations and applications of Constitutional law.The phrase â€Å"necessary and proper†in clause 18 of Article 1, Section 8 entitles Congress to make laws that extend beyond what the Constitution enumerates in the previous 17 clauses of that Section. This is taken to be a relationship between an end-goal and the means of achieving that goal (Engdahl, 2011). The end-goal must be a necessity for the achievement of the purpose of a government, which include the formation of â€Å"a more perfect Union†and the establishment of â€Å"Justice†(US Constitution, 1787). These ends are the explicit goals of the enumerated powers; in a similar vein, the implied powers are given only as they are necessary and proper to exercise the enumerated powers. This interpretation of the â€Å"necessary and proper†clause is based on the context in which it appears. Coming after 17 enumerated powers, the final clause specifies that the Congress is able to make laws that ensure the foregoing powers (namely, the enumerated powers ) can be exercised sufficiently. In other words, the eighteenth clause of Section 8 does not give a blank check to Congress to make any rules or regulations it feels like passing. Rather, the expansion of implied powers must always be taken in necessary and proper reference to one of the enumerated powers.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
PUBLIC SERVICE MATTERS SPOTLIGHT CONTEST Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
PUBLIC SERVICE MATTERS SPOTLIGHT CONTEST - Essay Example These services are provided to the public by the government because they are very expensive and thus can be an unprofitable investment to the private sector. For example, it would be very expensive for a private company to construct roads and sell to the public. Another reason may be that some services are very sensitive to be left in the hands of the private sector. For example, the general security of the public cannot be left in the hands of the private sector. These are among many factors that may make the government be involved in the provision of the public service. The impacts of the public services are both positive and negative depending on the seriousness of the government in charge. If the government policies aim at a proper provision of the government policies, the end product is that the standards of living of the people are raised, but if the government does not implement the policies well, then the standards of living of the people deteriorate. Public service can also be affected by immigration. This topic can well be understood in the example of public service in relation to immigration, in the United Kingdom. The U.S congress is known to be dominated by men, but the few women have done a tremendous job in the public service. The bipartisan committee helped solve the government shutdown down comprise of women such as Lisa Murkowski, Jeane Shaheen, Heidi Hitkamp and Amy Klobuchar (Citizen for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, 2014). These women demonstrated that the public service can function better when women are in control. John McCain praised the role of women in the bipartisan committee for saving the government closure. Another outstanding public servant who has been on the spotlight light is Rep. Paul Ryan. He and other budget committee members help a rather divided house pass a budget that compromised on programs advocated by the Democrats and the Republican. The leadership of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Initial Condition Report- Environment- Farming Assignment
Initial Condition Report- Environment- Farming - Assignment Example â€Å"Agri-food systems research theorizes two separate and unequal food systems based on the competing values, differential social and environmental impacts, and unequal power relations.†1 Of these, the first type is the industrial agriculture which can be characterized as being more financial or capital oriented, and is generally large-scale in nature, shows high productivity, and is â€Å"mechanized with monocultural cropping systems†that has links with the local, national and global market, as for example the Washington apples.2 The second form is the sustainable agriculture, which is distinguished as compact, region-specific process agricultural practice in order to meet the requirements for food while also protecting and complementing the surrounding environment and working towards elevating the quality of lives of the residents of that particular locality (as seen in Puget Sound).3 To comprehend the agri-food system within the Puget Sound region, it is necessary to take a firsthand stock of the existing agricultural system within this region. Fig 1: This shows a rather depressing picture, where we find that till 1997 in the region of Puget Sound, the scenario pertinent to agriculture is not very encouraging. More than 20% of the agricultural lands (amounting to about 100000 acres) have been lost or put to other use in the region, within a short period of only fifteen years, 1982 to 1997. There has been a decrease in the number of farms (nearly 25%) in this region during the same time-frame.4 According to this report, smaller farms are disappearing fast, while there has been a slight increase in the larger farms; however the report shows us that less number of young people are entering into this farming business.5 Later available figures of the Pierce County and the Snohomish County show us that, after 1997, especially in the years 2002 and 2007, the farming situation in Snohomish County is comparatively better, and shows slight increase in the number of farms (fig 2-a), and land in farms (fig 2b), The Pierce County however shows figures that continue to reflect a downward slide. In the context of the decreased amount of chemicals brought by the farms in the Pierce County, reflects a tilt towards an improvement in the environment and the crops produced (fig 2c and d); while Snohomish with an increasing agriculture produce, shows a rise in the use of chemicals by these farms, which may prove to be detrimental for the environment. (fig 2c and d). Hence, the focus should be on producing local crops that are organic in nature, that is, crops grown without the use of any chemical fertilisers. Number of Farms 1997 2002 2007 Pierce County 1616 1474 1448 Snohomish County 1819 1574 1670 Fig 2 (a): Source; Census of Agriculture Land in Farms (acres) 1997 2002 2007 Pierce County 61689 57224 47677 Snohomish County 72882 68612 76837 Fig 2 (b): Source; Census of Agriculture Number of Farms purchased chemicals 1997 2002 2007 Pierce County 560 510 425 Snohomish County 444 388 454 Fig 2 (c): Source; Census of Agriculture Total expenses for chemicals 1997 2002 2007 Pierce County $870,000 $1,044,000 $707,000 Snohomish County $722,000 $721,000 $1,501,000 Fig 2 (d): Source; Census of Agriculture The sharp fall in the agricultural produce in the Puget Sound region is owing to the fact that the farm products are liable to be
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Sustainability In Residential Development Environmental Sciences Essay
The Sustainability In Residential Development Environmental Sciences Essay Abstract: Unsustainable is the word that defines the absence of logic in terms of describing in residential development. Loads of explanations, analysis and proposed plans and cures exist for this unsustainable development. However Sustainable development in residential is increasing motivation between architects and interior designer; latest methods are developing each day that gives a promising area of an eco-friendly lifestyle. Introduction: Sustainable development in Interior design (also named as green design or eco design) manifest that a good-looking, vigorous living space can ease the negative effect on the environment without forfeiting aesthetics. Sustainable development is one of the high significance proposals, which recommends reaching the stability between economic, social and environmental aspect. In this proposal, I will discuss about sustainable in residential development that is how residential can subsidize into sustainability and benefits of it in housing development. Background /Context: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMEMT Sustainable development can be defined in two ways: one development, which means the need of a present without avoiding the ability of future generations to have their own needs, and secondly, securing towards a healthier quality of lifecycle for every one of us and coming generations. Sustainable development is key code of a viewpoint in environmental area of health and safety of ecosystem in globally. Sustainable development has been defined in many ways, but the most frequently quoted definition is from Our Common Future, also known as the Brundtland Report:[1] Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the worlds poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environments ability to meet present and future needs. The main aim of sustainable development is to persuade the public to use the essential facilities without the help of vehicles. They should be pushed more into public conveyance. The site or the location of the development should stay in such area that they can access to the local service by public transport. This kind development reduces the effect of greenhouse effect and C02 radiations and conservation of the natural resources, within the resident societies and affluent and innocuous economy. All definitions of sustainable development have 3 elements which are economic, social and environment. Sustainable Development in Economical aspect: Economic development is the processes that motivate the system under study, as well as the sets linked with the movement of energy and materials which are essential to exist. As we all share the nature, the changes affects our daily habitual life and hence its necessary to apprehend what is actuality affected and how. This acquaintance is of the simple definition of sustainability develop problem. Sustainable Development in Social Aspect: Social aspect in sustainability development, also said social security system has effect to improve individual health and the social benefit and to increase the social assets. Social asset is the source to convince the society to recreate the interest and develop network and connection. Its the blend of quantity and quality of social communication in human lives. Thus, developing social in sustainably is to reduce the liability and sustaining the health of social system. Sustainable Development in Environment Aspect: Environment aspect or ecology system is the nature source of all energy and raw materials to create the environment development. Ecology is the organism in environment which is the connection between relation and interaction between living organism which adds human, nature and habits. HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Building environment represent the fundamental of reaching the sustainable objectives. This adds reducing greenhouse gas emission, pollution and the preserving of resources and organized the society and acquiring economy. With the said words above about sustainability in housing development can be expressively added to the sustainability in few points given below: It consumes large amounts of resource Its a secure benefits for a long life Its the value and the effects of housing development towards the transport, health employment and community. The construction between sustainable and housing has a very essential part in to completing sustainability, because housing develop devours the resource in construction to maintain its use in large scale. There is a connection between housing and sustainability, which works in two process , including the ethics of sustainability in housing development is preservation and restoration which will not going to make any impact in the eminence of strength and the cost efficiency of housing development. Impact of housing Development towards sustainability There is number of issues that can contribute housing development in sustainability. State below: Climate changes are one of the most widespread and hypothetically unsafe environment issues, which are the reason of greenhouse gases emissions, and especially CO2. The housing zone provides a significant role of community, the plan and the location of the housing development and the harmful climates changes in local area because of dangerous gases polluted around and the greenhouse gases emissions from the housing growth. The main target to this point is to minimizing the climate changes in terms of transports area, by decreasing the car usage. Physical resources, at the end of the building life, recycle and re-using the materials ease the quarries and other cause of resource to have new resource and landfill amount of flattening for mine and quarries. Tumbling the pollution and enlightening the air quality and health in daily lives, greenhouse gases and other source of energy produce dangerous gases like SO2( acid rain ), NOx and CO2 which are harmful gases in our life. Using enough energy efficiency positively reduce the emissions of pollution. Airtight building and use of artificial materials is one of the causes of health illness known as sick building syndrome. This illness occur cause of compressed and airtight of housing plans. Sustainable settlements need to be created because greenhouse gases is one of the singular source to transport sector which initially can be reduce by developing the building in order to reduce the travel via vehicle and influence to walk, cycling or public transport. Benefit of Sustainability in Housing Development The is three benefit of sustainability in housing development which are related and follows the same pattern as environment, social and economic effectively. Energy effectiveness Heating up house, suffering from dampness becomes one of the main issues in many houses, pointedly for poor families, which increase the illness in the community. Developing and using energy efficiency will benefit the quality of life, strength and standard living style in the society. The sustainable housing development not only provide the environment approach and energy efficiency housing, it also add an increase of employment, health care and many other services, which will be convenient for public to access by public transport or walk. Social presence Large schemes arise difficult in the cities to proof the essential of construction societies than rarely group of building. With the facilities in sustainable development there should be also varied of income and age grouping in terms of occupations and the house must be develop in such a location that large number of society can take palace in term of base. Residential design should be develop to subsidize in sustainability not to give only the warm living, reducing travel issues but also a settlement of worth life to continue in generation, which will decrease the efficiency of dwelling cost. Economic effect and money ethics Thinking of short term investment, leads to extra value of money in long term investment. Developing site in cheap cost may produce more money to spend. The benefit of sustainability in money issue is to study the long-term cost effect. It may cost extra in short term but it will affect the downward of long term cost in residential development. Research questions: As I have explained above about Sustainability in housing develop, its impact and the benefit of it, therefore the questions are: What is the main challenge of this proposal? How to develop affordable housing in 3 aspect of sustainable. Affordable housing and sustainable development are main two challenges around the world. As said by UK Gov. (2009), that housing demand has risen boomingly than the supply and as the price of house has increased than the rate of wages it has been difficult for young people to afford it . Developing affordable housing is one of the most important verdicts in sustainable design. Significantly sustainable is an issue, when it comes to designing housing project. As it covers the main part in using of building materials, space and location. What need to be done? Before approaching to sustainable housing development we need to study the policy to include the community, construction of housing. Building regulation, finance and facility of land, which can improve the affordable housing to develop eco-efficiency, location and design sector. Eco- Efficiency its the involvement of community to understand the planning of site, design and maintenance of housing projects. Location in order to achieve economic sustainability in housing project near to transport area, this will provide facilities toward public transport. Design to reduce the cost of house, infrastructure cost, ecological impression and improve the quality of life. To achieve such plan we need to include community service, dense design, friendly environment design and eco-efficient house. This can be possible by subsidizing the government in the process Case studies Sustainability towards the housing development are nowadays become the major focus in the world. Below are some example given: Bedzed ( Beddington Zero Energy Development) its one of the largest sustainability community in UK, which was built in 2000 in south-west London , on a brownfield site, industry field with 100 homes designed to afford for average people with standard quality of life . The concept of their design was to use of home energy for heating and hot water system and allocating the windows and triple glazing towards south and reducing the electricity by low energy lighting system. Their installation in wall by thicker than the average with insulation between the bricks to avoid energy loss and the solar panel used on the roof to ventilate the house and recover heat from the air coming out. Bedzed Bowzed apartment at Tomlins Grove , located in east London. It was completes in 2004 by Bill Dunster Architects Zed factory. The concept of this apartment was create solar heating system which will stay up to five days in winter and internal temperature by 10c in summer. The achievement of this project was to have zero carbon and high level if insulation and thermal mass without the central heating system. The heating system is generated from renewable source for up over a year. Bowzed Colne and Mersea low carbon refurbishment housing located in Barking, London. It was completed in 2011 The concept this project was to change the existing house according to the climate to design a standard living home with improving energy- efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. Colne Masea Conclusion The highlight of this proposal was the sustainability in residential or housing development in terms of social, economic and environmental aspect for affordable house. Many ideas have been study to consider sustainability to achieve the close location to public transport, social, community facilities and compact design according to the climate. Its also been said that there is some idea of sustainability which are opposite of each other such as eco-efficiency is expensive and tough to have affordable to obtain a house without government financial support. As its important to have affordable housing, hence its essential to give the high importance to afford a house for low income sectors its easy to have sustainability housing by giving well design but economically it is expensive to have sustainable housing. Over all having sustainability housing depends on the location wise and unlikely without using design principles it can be easy to have sustainable housing development. References
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Revision for K218
These are the key points in Learning Guide 1: The children and young people's workforce is large and diverse. Its composition raises some important questions about who works with children and in what sort of organisations. Policy and legislation increasingly vary across the UK as devolution becomes more firmly established. It is important to understand the context most relevant to you, but valuable learning can also be drawn from comparing developments in different contexts and countries. Developing the skill of reflection can enhance your learning from the module and day-to-day practice. †¢What are some of the key professional standards used by practitioners across the UK? †¢What are some of the different ways of understanding children, young people, their families and the services that are provided for them? †¢What knowledge, skills and values are required to support ‘good practice'? These are the key points in Learning Guide 2 There are five key themes, emphas ising theories, frameworks or aspects of working with children young people and families, which will recur throughout the module.Practice can be seen as consisting of three intertwined elements of knowledge, skill and values. What constitutes good or effective practice is complex and open to discussion and debate. Attempting to measure good practice through outcomes can play a role in improving practice with children and families but also has some major limitations. 3 †¢How does social constructionist theory help with our understanding of children and families? †¢How does practice involve relationships between children, young people, families, community and society?How does this change across time? †¢What is a social ecological perspective and how can it help us to understand and develop practice with children, young people and families? These are the key points in Learning Guide 3 An ecological perspective is useful for making sense of the complexities that surround working with children, young people and families. Ecological models can support how we think about practice and how we organise practice – including policy, assessment and collaborative relationships such as multi-agency working.Ecological models are not static; they need to take into consideration changes to people, communities and society across time. 4 †¢What are the different levels that make up a web of relationships? †¢What is social constructionism? †¢How is social constructionism useful in understanding how the lives of children, young people and families are constructed? †¢What are the implications of social constructionism for practice? These are the key points in Learning Guide 4Social constructionist theory argues that understandings of childhood, development and appropriate care for children and young people vary between different historical and geographical/cultural/family contexts Viewing development as a stage-based pathway is strongly embe dded in practice and legislation, with understandings of children and young people often based on their age and perceived developmental stage Development as a stage-based pathway needs to be approached with caution as it has implications for some children and young people who are not easily accommodated within the ‘normative' assumptions of the pathway †¢What are some of the broad ways that power operates, as identified by Foucault?
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Drama Analysis Essay
In preparing to write my drama-analysis research paper, I encountered a wealth of information regarding my topic: The Pursuit of Happyness, a film which I believe demonstrates a return to â€Å"classic†movie-making and also a return to film as inspiration rather than lamentation. In my essay, I argued that, despite certain flaws and tendencies to revision historical relaity, The Pursuit of Happyness is a great film , and potentially one of the most important American films. Arriving at this conclusion was a long and interesting road, which was partially established by the research and writing of the paper itself. However, I felt determining my opinions and reinforcing them with information from my research materials was much easier than organizing the paper and expressing my opinions in solid, correctly constructed writing. One approach that I thought would be workable, but which proved to be merely frustrating, was to draw primarily from my own experience and opinions about movies. In my original intention for the paper, I had imagined that I would contrast The Pursuit of Happyness with other films I had seen and contrast, also, the way these various movies made me feel and also what I may have thought about their technical aspects. When I tried to use these kinds of comparisons in the actual research paper, I felt like what had been so obvious to me, as a subjective movie viewer, would be very hard for others to identify with, unless I expended a tremendous amount of space and energy to explain my personal tastes and opinions. What seemed to work better than the inclusion of my extended opinions was the citation of otehrs’ opinions. There seemed to be two advantages in citing material which supported my opinions rather than merely offering my opinions themselves. the first advantage was that i found certain writers expressed my thoughts and ideas just as I would have liked to express them myself. However, because the writers of the articles and essays I cited were professionals, their words were much more succinct and precise than some of my own attempts at saying the same thing. The second benefit of using cited materials was that some of the opinions I cited were, in fact, slightly different â€Å"takes†on opinions of mine, and I don’t think i would have necessarily come to understand these slight variations without having done the research. So, rather than merely supporting my opinions, the research materials actually modified my opinions and sometimes reinforced them very nicely. I felt more confident and determined in my own thesis because I knew authoritative writers from The Wall Street Journal and other professional publications supported some of my views. The only real obstacle I faced with research was whittling down the enormous amount of available information. I think the Internet has made it easier to conduct wide-ranging research quickly, but that in itself makes it much more difficult to sift through all of the available information and pinpoint what will be useful in support of the research paper in question and its thesis. Defining my thesis itself was also challenging. The more I thought about stating my argument simply and directly in a single sentence or a couple of sentences, the less the whole idea seemed meaningful at all. I learned as I continued to work at defining my thesis that it is important to get everything set in a single direction. I’m not sure if I was actually successful in presenting a sharp, simple thesis, but I tried very hard, Essentially, I wanted to show that The Pursuit of Happyness is a good film and one which also returns film-making to a role which it has steadily abandoned over the years in America: that of inspiring people. I believed that the thesis statement is true and feel it is true,. but I found that making my points in writing and spelling them out logically, as well as addressing counter-arguments forced me to reconsider my solidly constructed beliefs. Even though my overall opinions did not change very much, my respect for the logical formation of written arguments grew steadily as I worked on my own paper. Just as it is important to think simply in many way to secure a good thesis for a research paper, it seems important tow rite simply, as well. That is, I think it is important to stay on topic and make your argument point by point rather than digressing or getting too far off of track, no matter how tempting it is to launch into extra thoughts and associations. Even paragraph by paragraph, I think, all of the sentences should be necessary and feed into one another. I wasn’t as aware of this fact before spending time on the drama-analysis research paper. In addition to learning valuable steps and techniques for writing and thinking, the process of writing the paper caused me to re-examine the methods or logic by which I arrive at my opinions in the first place. I think that;s the most important thing I leaned in composing my research paper: that the logic and â€Å"formal†thought that goes into writing a good research paper differs widely from the â€Å"looser†thoughts and associations which typically help define at least my own subjective opinions. I’m not sure IO was aware of just how different my â€Å"everyday†thoughts and logic were from those which are necessary to present a clear, convincing argument which is backed up by solid evidence. In the long run, I feel certain that I could now make, as a consequence of my experience in writing the research paper, a much stronger argument on behalf of my original opinions.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Legal Issue Of Contract Law And Evidence In Ecommerce
, in the case of an e-mail, when your message leaves your server and goes out into the "ether" is when the message was dispatched. As another example, for a form filled out and sent fr... Free Essays on Legal Issue Of Contract Law And Evidence In Ecommerce Free Essays on Legal Issue Of Contract Law And Evidence In Ecommerce The IT revolution in the past few years has taken the whole world by storm, at the forefront of which is the Internet an its various applications. It has become a major player in the business world today and the revenue generated through commercial websites sums up to almost 87 billion dollars per anum on an average. The rise in Ecommerce has given rise to crimes on the internet as well, ranging from piracy, theft, fraud and misrepresentation. This steep rise in electronic crimes has provoked lawmakers to create laws in order to protect the consumers and companies on the internet so that Ecommerce may prosper and grow. This paper discusses the legal issue of â€Å"Contract Law and Evidence†in Ecommerce. General principles The general principles include that the parties must intend to form a contract, must show that intention in a way that would normally be understood as forming a contract by the parties and by anyone observing the parties, and there must be agreement on the essential terms of the contract Contract Formation in general 1. A contract for sale of goods may be made in any manner sufficient to show agreement, including conduct by both parties which recognizes the existence of a contract. 2. An agreement sufficient to constitute a contract for sale may be found even though the moment of its making is undetermined. 3. Even though one or more terms are left open, a contract for sale does not fail for indefiniteness if the parties intended to make a contract and there is a reasonably certain basis for giving an appropriate remedy. When is communication dispatched ? Under both instruments, a communication is dispatched when it departs the information system designated for electronic communication. In other words, in the case of an e-mail, when your message leaves your server and goes out into the "ether" is when the message was dispatched. As another example, for a form filled out and sent fr...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
The Effectiveness of Public Relations and Relationship Marketing to the Successful Promotion of Winbeldon Championships
The Effectiveness of Public Relations and Relationship Marketing to the Successful Promotion of Winbeldon Championships The world has experienced dramatic changes in the way business is conducted and also in the way information on a particular event, occurrence or product is disseminated. The world has also experienced great technological advancements that have given people easy accessibility to information on almost everything that a person may be interested in (Waters, Tindall and Morton 2010).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Effectiveness of Public Relations and Relationship Marketing to the Successful Promotion of Winbeldon Championships specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This, together with the dynamic force of change that constantly face business world, has led to the need for a new approach in the way a business entity carries out its activities in order to have a successful sales campaign for its products. One way that businesses have responded to the changes in the business world is through the increase in public relation a ctivities which aim at promoting the products to the target markets by engaging in what is valued by the target customers. In public relations, a business aims to achieve the objective of creating a positive relationship between its customers, the product and the organisation itself through various means of communication (Strà ¶mbck, Mitrook and Kiousis 2010). It is also aimed at creating a good image for the organisation, managing any crisis that may face a company or its product and also creating goodwill in the eye of the general public. A business can also create an exchange system between business partners and itself with the aim of achieving mutual benefit for both sides of the bargain. This is referred to as the relationship marketing and is aimed at achieving the objective of creating customer loyalty for products offered by the company, interaction between the company and the market it serves, and the retention of the market share commanded by the company (Botan and Taylor 2004). This objective is achievable through the provision of relevant information to the customers on the products offered by the company and support information about the right usage of such products. This has the ability to create a pool of repeat customers, who are willing to see the success of the company through the provision of relevant information on market needs and referrals. PR as a corporate activity has been impacted heavily by the advancement of technology. With computer terminals having the ability to receive information, edit such information and also to send information, a new approach to PR activities is inevitable. Matters have been complicated by the fact that information on various activities, products, and the industry in general is now available in the data banks over the internet (Grunig 2006).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The advancement of technology especially in the communication sector has also affected the way of life of societies besides creating a new pool of opportunities for business organisations. One of the opportunities presented to PR activities is the ability to produce personalized information that target a specific market niche. Feedback from the market is now possible and the assessment of the effectiveness of the public relations activities is now possible. Various theories have been proposed to explain public relations. One of such theories is the symmetrical approach which employs the concept of four models. According to this approach, the main objective of the public relations is to champion the interest of the organisation that sponsors public relation activities. This is in contrast with the asymmetrical model proposed early which view public relations as a concept aimed at promoting the interests of both the organisation and the general public. The views of the symmetric approach are conside red not only unrealistic, but also idealistic since by hiring public relation experts, a company aims at the promotion of its interests rather than trying to promote the impression of a perfect organisation in order to win the interest of the stakeholders outside the organisation, who may have different views other than those held by the organisation. Public relations are considered to be based on ethics (Health 2006). However, the question of justification of ethics in term of monetary returns to the organisation arises. Another school of thought that has been advanced to conceptualise public relations is the rhetoric theory. The theory gives rhetoric dialogue as the process through which influence and conclusions can be found. According to Hung (2009), this can be achieved in two ways; one of the ways involves engagement of groups in exchange of statements and counter statements on the products offered, public policies and the services with a view of assessing the way each group v iew values and realities. In this dialogue, the PR professionals and the clients engage in persuasive discourse (Roper, 2005). Rhetoric theory on public relations and the symmetric theory agree on the fact that ethics should be practiced on a level ground. It also supports the views of the asymmetric theory on the assertion of the idea that public policies and ideas should stand in the market place on their own based on merit. However, this view by the proponents’ rhetoric approach is criticized by public relation critics who argue that the rationale proposed by the rhetoric theory fails to make public relations more ethical, unless there is equal distribution of resources to the involved public.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Effectiveness of Public Relations and Relationship Marketing to the Successful Promotion of Winbeldon Championships specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The relational approach to publ ic relations also tries to explain the roles of the public relations to the organisation (Li and Bernoff 2008). This approach takes an organisation and the society at large into perspective and successfully gives the true meaning to public relations. This theory takes into account the relationship that exists between organisations that fund the public relations activities, and the public through which an organisation intends to promote its products, in which openness, efficiency, cooperation, commitment and credibility are enhanced (Sweetser and Metzgar 2007). This approach fails to compare with the other two in as much as the main aspect on the nature of the relationship is concerned. In this case, the relationship in most cases may not be symmetrical. The management of relationship is considered instrumental rather than an approach towards public relations activity. It is considered to be the advancement of goodwill in public relations. Wimbledon Championship draws great interest in the sporting world. The event which was staged in 2011 was considered to be of great importance given the fact that it was the culmination of the improvement of the Wimbledon tennis lawn which had started back in 1993. This international sporting event has a rich history that dates back in 1977. The first event featured the England tennis croquet club which was started in Wimbledon as a private organisation back in 1865. Initially, the event featured participants from England, but later became an international event attracting participants from as far as the United States of America. The interest to participate in this event in 1954 was boosted by the advancement of air travel technology which made it easier for the international players to participate in the event easily. However the participation remained closed to most countries until 1968 when it was opened for different categories of international players. The reason why the lawn tennis club was closed down for major improve ment was to improve future participation and to reach the standards recommended by the international sports organisations. The 2011 event also involved commemoration of 125 years since the inception of the event. The Wimbledon championship had various stakeholders that included the tennis club members, volunteers, management, press and the tennis club staffs. On the other hand, the event attracted external stakeholders that included international players, federations, general public and spectators from all over the world.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The analysis of the strategies employed by the internal stakeholders reveals a number of important factors. First, there was the formulation of objectives which aimed at keeping these stakeholders focused on the work. This enabled the staffs to concentrate on the goals that had been set for them. There was the establishment of three types of professional programs for the purpose of development by the organisation management for staff members, management and other participants in the preparation of the event (Hallahan 2009). The aim of this development was to create enthusiasm among all internal stakeholders on what they were doing. Some programs introduced were web site based, while others were offered offline and also through seminars and conferences on development. Another key management tool employed by the Wimbledon championship management committee involved the rounding of employees in all departments involved in the preparation of the Wimbledon event (Kim, 2011). There were in teractions between managers and employees, as well as participants and volunteers in the course of execution of work or through informal meetings where small groups of employees would be invited to attend. The aim of this was to improve the relationship that existed between management, employees and volunteers. It also helped to improve the process through which information flowed and ideas exchanged among all internal stakeholders. There was also employment of appreciation and recognition strategy which involved implementation of feasible ideas suggested by the stakeholders. These stakeholders would be recognized and then appreciated in ways that encouraged further participation by all members (Lawson, 2006). The recognitions would mainly be done in meetings or on a one-on-one basis. There was also the creation of a balance between personal life and the work life which allowed members to take part in events such as charity work, physical exercises and voluntary activities in the co mmunity. The organizers of the Wimbledon championship relied on the web site to disseminate information on the progress of the event to the interested parties outside the organisation (Kirby and Marsden, 2005). This web site gave schedules of events that made up the tournament, posted results of completed events and also provided any other information considered important for the success of the event. There was also the establishment of the media room manned by the public relations officers in the organisation. The purpose of this media room was to keep the general public updated on the events that took place in the championship. The messages relayed by the public relations department to the media were always in consistence with the information that was displayed by the organisation on its website. The public was invited to comment on various issues by leaving their comments on the organisation’s website. The organisers of the event also employed press releases to communicate to external stakeholders in order to supplement the online media (Harrison, 2000). Due to the nature of participation which involved international players, the organizers allowed major broadcasters across the globe to air this event. This served as a public relations activity that was aimed at creating a positive image for the event before the eyes of the public. There was also development of documentaries that highlighted important issues about the championship which included the history of the tournament. The Wimbledon event organizers also tried to create positive public relations in the society by engaging in community services and other support activities. Various donations were made to the society by the event organizers with the aim of improving community welfare. A portion of returns from this event was also ploughed back to the society in the form of contribution towards a good course such the sponsorship of junior tennis tournament. The organizers also contributed towards the establishment of the education museum to be used for leisure purposes by students. The event was successful through the employment of both the public relations and the relationship marketing. Through their public relations activities, they were able to win a positive image and generate a high income (Halligan and Shah, 2010). Here, the relationship between the organisation and the public had beneficial outcomes. The event was able to collect high returns and the society was able to benefit from various development projects initiated by the organisation. Reference List Botan, C., H. Taylor, M. 2004. ‘Public Relations: State of the Field’, Journal of Communication. Vol 54 No. 4. Pp 645-661. Grunig, J., E. 2006. ‘Furnishing the Edifice: Ongoing Research on Public Relations as a Strategic Management Function’, Journal of Public Relations Research. Vol 18 No. 2.Pp 151-176. Hallahan, K. 2009. ‘Seven Models of Framing: Implications for Public Relations ’. Journal of Public Relations Research Vol. 11, no. 3, 1999 pages 205-242. Routledge Halligan, B., Shah, D. 2010. Inbound Marketing, get found using Google, social media and blogs. Wiley Sons, Inc, New York. Harrison, S. 2000. Public Relations: an Introduction, 2nd Edition, Thomson: London. Health, R., L. 2006. ‘Onward Into More Fog: Thoughts on Public Relations Research Directions’, Journal of Public Relations Research. Vol 18 No 2.Pp 93-114. Hung, C., F. 2009. ‘Exploring Types of Organization–Public Relationships and Their Implications for Relationship Management in Public Relations’, Journal of Public Relations Research. Vol. 17 No. 4.Pp 393-426. Kim, S. 2011. Transferring Effects of CSR Strategy on Consumer Responses: The Synergistic Model of Corporate Communication Strategy. Journal of Public Relations Research. Vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 245-297. Routledge, London. Kirby, J. and Marsden, K. 2005. Connected Marketing. Butterworth-Heinemann, Ne w York. Lawson, R. 2006. The PR buzz factor: how using public relations can boost your business, Kogan Page, London. Li, C. Bernoff, J. 2008. Groundswell, winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Harvard Business Press: London. Roper, J. 2005. ‘Symmetrical Communication: Excellent Public Relations or a Strategy for Hegemony?’ Journal of Public Relations Research.Vol 17 No. 1.Pp69-86. Strà ¶mbck, J., Mitrook, M., A. Kiousis, S. 2010. ‘Bridging Two Schools of Thought: Applications of Public Relations Theory to Political Marketing’. Journal of Political Marketing. Vol 9, No. 1-2, 2010 pages 73-92. Sweetser, K., D. Metzgar, E. 2007.‘Communicating during crisis: Use of blogs as a relationship management tool’, Public Relations Review.Vol 33 No. 3.Pp 340-342. Waters, D., R.,Tindall, T., J. . Morton, T., S. 2010. ‘Media Catching and the Journalist–Public Relations Practitioner Relationship: How Social Media are Changing the Practice of Media Relations’. Journal of Public Relations Research. Vol 22, no.3, pp. 245-267.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Choose 1 of 9 religious topics in the details Coursework
Choose 1 of 9 religious topics in the details - Coursework Example Sarah was the official wife who bore Isaac. Isaac was the father of Israelites and Hagar was a servant lady who gave birth to Ishmael, the father of Arabs. The two books also talk about Mary giving birth to Jesus Christ without having consummated with any man. However the biggest difference between the two holy books is on Jesus’ divinity, and on the son Abraham intended to sacrifice. Was it Isaac or Ishmael? Also on the lady who took care of Moses when he was picked up from the river. While the bible states that Jesus was the son of God who descended to earth in order to save mankind from sins, and that Jesus died on the cross and resurrected on the third day, the Quran refutes all these claims. The following is the comparison of the holy bible and the Quran with regard to: Moses, Abraham, Jesus Christ, and the Virgin Mary. In both the Bible and the Quran, the story of Moses begins by his birth, where by his mother puts him in the river, he is picked up from the river-according to the bible by pharaoh’s daughter and the Quran by pharaoh’s wife while newly born (â€Å"Bible & Koran†Web). The two books also state that when Moses grows up, he kills according to the bible, an Egyptian and the Quran, a man and then flees to Egypt. In both books, God’s voice from a burning bush gives Moses the inspiration to plead with the Pharaoh to let Israelites go to the Promised Land. Furthermore, both books tell of Moses’ hesitation to take on this divine mission until his brother Aaron was called to help him (â€Å"Bible & Koran†Web). In the bible and the Quran, Moses and Aaron goes to preach to pharaoh about releasing the children of Israel. Aft er so much tussling, pharaoh releases them. Furthermore both books state that Moses goes to Israel via red sea. On reaching the red sea, he strikes it with his stick and it separates in to two. Pharaoh meets his death in the red sea while pursuing the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Rhetoric Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rhetoric - Essay Example Having learned the history of rhetoric, I realized that this 'art of persuasion' deserts delight and respect. According to the historical chronicles, our understanding of rhetoric rises from the fifth century B.C. in Athens, Greece.The word implied a use of words, even a manipulation of words. The main stress was on public speaking, as at that time people didn't need to write down their thoughts, so they expressed themselves in oral mode. Aristotle was the philosopher who first gave detailed explanation of rhetoric. He suggested that logic was one of many available means of persuasion. "People could also be persuaded by an appeal to emotions or to the character of the speaker, for example"4. During the Renaissance, after the printing had been invented, rhetorical concepts were applied on a large scale to written discourse. But as books were quite rare, teaching had a form of "lecture," which implied reading aloud from a book so that the students could note the most significant things. In the twentieth century, rhetoric is still popular, but it was a little modified during its 26-century history.
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