Monday, September 30, 2019
Using Empirical Research Evidence, Explain the Effects
Using empirical research evidence, explain the effects of one neurotransmitter on human behavior. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers, which send signals and communicate information through neurons (nerve cells), cells, our brains and our bodies. Neurotransmitters are released and travel through terminals in the brain until they reach certain receptors. Neurotransmitters and their functions are located and carried out in different sections of the brain. It uses neurotransmitters to make your body carry out certain functions, such as making your heart beat and your lungs breathe.Scientists are not sure of how many neurotransmitters actually exist, but they can be sorted into two main different types. These are called exitatory neurotransmitters and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Exitatory neurotransmitters stimulate different parts of the brain. Three wellknown types of exitatory neurotransmitters are dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine. Inhibitory neurotransmitters calm the br ain and create balance. Three different types of inhibitory neurotransmitters are serotonin, gaba and dopamine.Although dopamine was already mentioned as an exitatory neurotransmitter, it is special because it is considered to be both exitatory and inhibitory. Dopamine affects the 5 different dopamine receptors: dopamine 1 (D1), dopamine 2 (D2), dopamine 3 (D3), dopamine 4 (D4) and dopamine 5 (D5), and helps to control parts of the brain that react to pleasure and reward. It helps the brain not only to see rewards, but to motivate a person to obtain those rewards, or at least try to move towards them. It also helps to motivate humans to perform the actions again, to acquire the same rewards.This involves activities such as eating, sex, and other such activities that create a rush of adrenaline. Along with that, dopamine also helps the body to move and have emotional responses to certain objects or situations. A lack of the dopamine neurotransmitter can have a number of negative effe cts, one main illness being Parkinson's disease. Also, people that are low in or lacking in dopamine activity are more likely to have addictions or become chemical dependent. When dopamine is not produced correctly in the frontal lobe of the brain, attention, focus, memory and the ability to analyse can all be negatively effected.The dopamine neurotransmitter can also effect people socially. Studies have shown that anxiety in social situations and a lack of dopamine 2 receptors can very often be linked, also, people with bipolar disorder are given drugs known as ‘anti-psychotics', which block dopamine, in an aim to reduce mania. A study was carried out on May the 2nd and was published in the Journal of Neuroscience. The scientists that worked on the study included a team of Vanderbilt University scientists, medicine student Michael Treadway and professor of psychology, David Zald.The aim of the experiment, was to test whether ambitious and hard working ‘go getters' in th e workplace, who were willing and able to work hard to obtain the reward they want, had a different level of dopamine release in the brain (or certain parts of the brain), than workers that tended to slack off more and were less willing to work towards obtaining a reward. The team of scientists used a Positron emission tomography (or PET scan), which is a medical imaging technique, used to produce 3D images of functions taking place in the brain, and other parts of the body.The scientists discovered that the ambitious workers, working towards a reward, had a larger release of the dopamine neurotransmitter in the parts of the brain that, studies have shown, are linked to motivation and obtaining reward. These parts of the brain are called the striatum and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Not only did they find out this, but they also uncovered that less motivated people in the workplace had a high release of dopamine also, but in a completely different part of the brain. This dopa mine release was happening in the anterior insula of the brain, which is the section that is linked to emotion and risk perception.Many different types of studies have proven that dopamine affects going after rewards, and motivation in the brain, but the speciality of this particular study is that it proves that dopamine is not only linked to rewards in hardworkers, but also can be linked to emotions and risk perception in less ambitious workers. This empirical research study clearly shows that dopamine has an affect on human behaviour by effecting the ambition, or lack of it, in the workplace when it comes to working towards reaching a goal and obtaining a certain reward.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Deaf Again Journal
Deaf Again Journal Studying American Sign Language, I have learned a lot about the Deaf community and I also have learned a lot about their language, American Sign Language, hoping to be someday fluent. By reading Deaf Again By Mark Drolsbaugh, I have learned even more about the life of a Deaf person. Drolsbaugh not only tells you how he became Deaf he also tells the story of his life. This intriguing autobiography, by Mark Drolsbaugh, has taught me more about the life of a Deaf person than I can ever hope to find out.Many deaf children, born or soon after became deaf, are not raised by sign communication and, I’ve always wondered why. By reading more into this novel, I have realized that it has helped me to better understand how people can become Deaf or hard of hearing, and teaches me how Deaf people live their lives in the hearing world. Drolsbaugh wasn’t born deaf but later on in his childhood slowly became deaf. I saw him struggle in school. I saw him try to live t he life of a hearing person and pass his classes as such. Learning sign language takes time and concentration.In order to learn American Sign Language you must try to see through the eyes, or in this case, hear through the ears of a Deaf or hard of hearing individual. Drolsbaugh later learned that not learning to sign had impacted his academics negatively and his development through life. As a hearing person struggles through life to find their place in their community, Drolsbaugh struggles to find his place in the Deaf community. This novel is surrounding the audiences of teens and young adults dealing with their everyday lives.The novel, in addition gives the necessary advice to those people, young or old, who were born deaf, or who recently became deaf. The impactful life of Mark Drolsbaugh gives the audience the confidence to find out who they are in life and where they were meant to be. For the Deaf people, this novel gives them a safe haven inside their heads. It also gives th em something and someone to relate to. Drolsbaugh gives every reader a walk through his shoes. He shows you the ups and downs of being born with deaf parents and eventually becoming deaf himself and never earning sign language early in his childhood. He explains the battles living in a hearing world and barely knows sign language and ultimately learning and being able to correspond, but only with other Deaf people like himself. He didn’t really know it but he had the support of the Deaf community. Only when he went to Gallaudet University did he realize that they were there behind him. Gallaudet gave him even more confidence to continue his roller coaster journey to become an astonishing author. In my honest opinion I didn’t find many weaknesses in this book.Mark Drolsbaughs strengths were his capabilities to be born hearing with Deaf parents. Gradually become deaf and not know or understand a single sign of American Sign Language, attend hearing people schools which h ad little Deaf teaching. Attend a college in which he wasn’t too happy to attend. Make money by working in a supermarket surrounded by hearing people. Eventually studying at Gallaudet and finally being at peace when surrounded by people who â€Å"speak†just like him, in American Sign Language. Read also Summary : Love Is Never SilentHes been through a lot showing the world that hes not just surviving through his life but he is living it for the moment, and hes living it as a Deaf person. Being an idealistic student with wonderful grades and academics getting into Harvard-type schools wasn’t so easy being deaf as he explained through chapter 6. After being accepted into Germantown Friends’ School he self taught himself, with help from a few caring people. He struggled through just as any student would through high school but he had to make sure he â€Å"heard†his teacher’s lectures appropriately.Drolsbaugh eventually took up Tae Kwon Do and it then gave him the assurance and self esteem he lacked living in a hearing world. It relieved him of any worries and stress and helped him through his effort in life. In his efforts to prove to the world that a Deaf person can live, no survive, in the Deaf community and in the hearing community, he succe eded. He, as any young adult, starts out working at a small temporary job, like a supermarket, and progressively makes his way in to bigger and better things. He graduated Gallaudet with his bachelors and decided to go for his Masters in grad school.He even got married, to Melanie. He showed the world that deaf people can make it in the hearing world. Mark Drolsbaugh’s main message in this book is â€Å"being Deaf isn’t a disability or handicap, it’s a blessing†. He portrayed this messaged when he showed the world that deaf people can go to a â€Å"regular†school and still be able to do extraordinary thing. He lost his self confidence when he became deaf but got it back whilst taking Tae Kwon Do. He met the girl of his dreams and married her. He went on to become an astonishing writer and wrote this autobiography.He found that he can depend on the Deaf community to be there for him as he is for them. He found that although he is Deaf, he can defy the expectations of the entire world and bring out the best in himself. He and Melanie also had 3 beautiful children, hearing. No matter whether they remain hearing or slowly become deaf they are still people and will go on to live their normal lives. I absolutely loved this book. To be able to read a book that actually catches my attention for longer than five minutes was almost impossible.After reading this autobiography about the life of a Deaf person it helped me to believe, although I am not deaf, that I can be what I amount to be, no matter my weaknesses. This novel gave me the strength to try n build my self esteem and also showed me that I am not alone when it comes to having a low confidence in myself. I’ve always been fascinated by the Deaf community and the American Sign Language. I have always wondered what it would be like to be Deaf, and would it be hard, but just like a hearing person in school its still hard.Life is never easy even if you are hearing. And just because you don’t have something that everyone else has, that doesn’t make you any less of a brilliant person. This book gave me the heart to go on to get my masters and become a Deaf elementary school teacher so I too can teach, not only deaf, but hearing students too, about being deaf and hopefully being able to teach them some Sign Language so it can benefit them to become a part of the Deaf community. Maybe I can enlighten a Deaf child to read Deaf Again and hopefully watch them grow to be a author like Mr. Mark Drolsbaugh.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Look At Principal Beliefs And Ethical Teachings Religion Essay
A Look At Principal Beliefs And Ethical Teachings Religion Essay Principal beliefs and ethical teachings are essential ideas and inspirations depicted and conveyed in a particular religion. Principal beliefs and ethical teachings define and alter the one’s decision making and way of life. Completely understanding, accepting and following the beliefs and teachings of a particular religion would enable an adherent to reach the optimal and ideal stage of obedience and faithfulness to one’s religion. Buddhism and Judaism are examples of some of the world’s most known and followed religions. They both have their own Principal Beliefs and Ethical Teachings which in some cases may be conflicting. Both religions have a large population of followers and adherents and their teachings impact greatly on their day to day choices. Judaism The principal beliefs and ethical teachings of Judaism play an immense role in the lives of their adherents; they contribute fundamentally to the way of life of these individuals and alter their decision making skills and lifestyles. Abiding by all the ethical teachings and beliefs of a particular religion will inevitably result in a substantial impact and influence on every aspect of one’s life. Jews believe in the oneness of God and that everything revolves around God as he is all knowing and all powerful. He is the Lord the creator who formed the whole universe and all things in it; he is the one and only God and all other Gods are false gods which means that no other Gods are to be worshiped. As an adherent it is an obligation and a duty to pursue with this teaching as it is a source of aid for individuals who are seeking a connection with the one true God and aiming to gain insight on the Judaist way of life. The God of Judaism demands, that his adherents do good acts in order to achieve happiness in the afterlife and those who are unsuccessful in doing so will be punished. This teaching therefore greatly impacts on the decision making of the followers. It encourages the m to contribute to good deeds and to change their negative way of life. In doing good deeds individuals are lead to an eternal life of peace with the one true God as a reward for their humbleness. To rebel against God, means refusing his goodness and love. When God first formed nature including human kind, he made everything essentially good. By sinning and violating his good nature, adherents and followers are rejecting God and his teachings. Suffering and pain are the main consequence of sin which is the disobedience of God. According to the Jewish faith, the Sabbath day is the most important day, as God ordained it a holy day. It is a tradition that this day is devoted for rest and spiritual refreshment. This belief and tradition greatly influences adherents and followers, in relation to the engagement in any kind of work on that day. This belief impacts immensely on one’s schedule, financial well-being however it enables them to set their priorities and consider what is m ore important in life.
Friday, September 27, 2019
See Asignment criteria- request for writer 5689 of possible Essay
See Asignment criteria- request for writer 5689 of possible - Essay Example sidered the height of the romantic manifestation with regard to the [Spanish] stage,’ explicitly references its central theme of Destiny in the title – ‘la fuerza del sino’ as it applies to the struggle and ultimate defeat of the protagonist (Young 1933, 278). Within the typical Sturm und Drang Romantic expression, Rivas utilises a conception of ‘fate’ to explore and undermine the obsolescing social hierarchy that dominated contemporary Spanish life. Yet the question remains unclear: what exactly is the nature, the driving force of this conceived destiny? Does this demonstrate the movement of divine providence, or is this more akin to the fatalistic destiny of the Greeks? As the story progresses, the thread of fate that propels the action reveals itself to be profoundly fatalistic, not the orchestration of an omnipotent God but the engine of the myriad unseen forces that surround and enshround Don à lvaro in his journey through despair. This fatalism draws its roots most profoundly from the tradition of Greek tragedy in which destiny always played a primary role. Yet Rivas develops advances on this fatalistic tradition, showing through the random twists delivered by destiny’s hand the massively destructive forces of the familial Spanish hierarchy, which from the beginning envelop the protagonist in the shackles of old custom. It is these, Rivas declares audaciously through his play, that make up the very essence of dest iny. It is these, the forces of society, which create the fatalistic reality in which all his characters, and by extension the whole of Spanish populiation, are doomed to their allotted existence. The fatalistic concept fundamental to Greek tragedy is the act of transgression, the fatal flaw caused by hubris, or believing oneself to be above divine law, which transgression in the protagonist’s own demise. This act of transgression could be something as active as Prometheus’ theft of divine fire, for which he was savagely
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Business Unleashed from A More Perfect Union Essay
Business Unleashed from A More Perfect Union - Essay Example From the issues of evolution, we find out how various forms of past occurrences managed to evolve into currently more sophisticated forms. The brain of mankind, managed to undergoes a transition that saw to it being more powerful and enabled mankind to develop the ingenious inventions which have transformed the world. By looking at the challenges made in the past, decisions could be made basing on these challenges. Solutions resulting from these decisions end up making the whole world a better place (Lasker 41). History created in the USA (United States of America) when president Barrack Obama became the first ever black president. Critics argued that his speeches were the catch point and what made him as famous. Through his eloquence, he was able to move masses, he was able to convince and influence the masses into thinking in line with his beliefs. Ronald Reagan came to be in February 1911. He went to college at Eureka College. He got his first job as the radio sports announcer and further proceeded to Hollywood that was in 1937. As an actor he made seen in fifty films and given the post in the movie as the president of the United Sates of America twice. During the 1950’s he further became a spokesman and worked for General Electric Co. He changed his political ambitions gradually from a democrat who was liberal to the republican who was conservative (Boller 87). He was later elected as the California governor in the year 1966 and successfully went for two terms. The current president Jimmy Cater in 1980 was succeeded by Ronald Reagan as Reagan was sworn in as the president of the United States of America in 1981. Immediately after being sworn as the president of the United States, he was assassinated and in the event endured some wounds. The reign of President Ronald Reagan adopted the aspect of the supply side economists. This was an attempt to try and encourage and initiate a rapid economical growth in the
Economic Policy and the Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Economic Policy and the Environment - Assignment Example To curb, environmental externalities, many laws have been enacted to remedy or deter environmental pollution. One of these laws is the A Pigovian tax. This is a tax that is applied to someone who is causing negative externalities in the environment. The tax law is intended to correct inefficiencies resulting from market activities. It operates by setting equal the social costs of the negative externalities resulting from economic production. In a normal economic production, the presence of negative externalities is not compensated for by the benefit accruing from the production processes (Burrows, 2009). This makes the market inefficient and may lead to overconsumption of the product. Besides, this may result in an equal distribution of resources in the society as the producer benefit to the detrimental of the environment. Through applying such taxes, negative externalities would be reduced to have an equal distribution of benefits resulting from the resources. This reduces cases of environmental pollution which has resulted in extreme catastrophic environmental destruction. This law was instituted by an economist Arthur Pigou in collaboration of William Baumol. Since its inception, the tax law has proven efficient in reducing environmental externalities (Sandmo,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
CURRENT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
CURRENT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES - Essay Example Three existing models are used to connect these communities of networked information; hybrid, co-op and federation. Federation combines enterprises that are self-sufficient and maintain an agreement to share and network and allow access to information via a peer to peer system. Co-op combines enterprises that are comprised of smaller enterprises using a combined data repository that share their technology and expenses. Hybrid is obviously a combination of the two which is more beneficial in larger areas where information is shared across geographical areas. Many are formed originally as non-profit and once established change to a profit status. Creating a health information network that is national should be centralized, available on the internet, be governed by both public and private organization and be patient centered, complying with all health information security protocols and standards. Cooperation between government and the public sector is essential and regional level networks need to include harmonization (Conn). Uses of health information can include quality assurance, clinical pathways, protocol development, outcome measurements, health plan performance and underwriting among many other attributes. A health information system can be used by patients, providers, case managers, drug manufacturers, insurance companies, and other payers. Despite technology advances healthcare electronic solutions continue to lag behind other areas in information technology. Electronic personal health care records allow patients to store, view, capture and share information about their health care needs. They are a combination of data, knowledge, and software tools which allow consumers to become more active in their case management. A 2009 survey indicated that 8 of 10 Americans are concerned about their health care data being used inappropriately (McGee). Medical costs are increasing patient exposure and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Informal report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Informal report - Essay Example They have recorded a steady increase in revenue, gross profit, income used in operation and net income in the past four years. Currently they have standing revenue of $ 476,294 million; $ 118,225 million gross profit; $ 26,872 million operating income and; $16, 022 million net incomes (Wal-Mart). Wal-Mart has over forty senior officers led by Doug McMillon as the President and CEO Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Its home office is found on 702Sw 8th street Bentonville, in the US. They employ over 2.2 million employees globally. Each time a new supercenter is erected, approximately 300 job opportunities are created. Most employees/ associates begin as hourly associates with between $ 50,000-170,000 as yearly income, but over time get promotion to jobs with more responsibility and higher pays (Wal-Mart). Wal-Mart is, therefore, undoubtedly the best fortune 500 company to consider in this search of a job opportunity. It is a big company that allows for diversity thus can accommodate one’s specialties in the job market along with a promising
Monday, September 23, 2019
Military lessons learned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Military lessons learned - Essay Example They focus on operating plans and details to go one step further at a time (Harris and White, 1987, p. 110). They are also more focused on little things than the generalized point-of-view. Logisticians are different from tactical planners since they are the ones responsible for inventories and knowing the use of resources and their whereabouts. They do that to achieve the objectives. Their works include combining and application of information, material transfer, storage and protection. They may use equipment or computers to easily store and retrieve the data regarding the analysis and predictions on resource use (Kane, 2001). Strategic thinkers are the ones responsible for the general direction of the organization like armed forces. They try to answer the questions why and how instead of what. They are concerned with wider arrays of methods to reach the desired future. Their works are then supported by both the logisticians and tactical planners. Strategic thinkers are not conventio nal type of people as they make use of odd and different ways to create opportunities that sometimes can be provocative regarding the direction of a group. They perform the operation called strategic thinking wherein it serves as the precursor of strategic planning (Heuser, 2010, p. 456). Since the armed forces always engage in defense and sometimes go to war, they really needed the thinkers and planners on how to use their armed members to the fullest to achieve the objective. Leadership may be proven to be handy in the case of armed forces since planning is part of the function of leaders. They should be able to delegate the works toward the achievement of their goals. In addition, leadership skills serve as the binding agent of an organization and traverse the same direction toward growth. In the process, big and small plans are needed and can be categorized as short-term and long-term plans. They contain deadlines, procedures and delegated
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Lord Byron’s Don Juan Essay Example for Free
Lord Byron’s Don Juan Essay Lord Byron’s Don Juan is a satirical poem that offers a seemingly comical and serious outlook of sexuality. In three different sexual relations in three different places, the events that surround Don Juan are both laughable and questionable. From an early affair with Donna Julia, to an innocently, beautiful engagement with Haidee and finally an unfulfilled and avoided relation with the Sultana Gulbeyaz, Don Juan escapes through the clutches of love with shattered innocence, a broken heart and near fatal eroticism. â€Å"As Byron’s satiric genius developed, it tended to employ less and less of the traditional axe-swinging of the neoclassic satirists and to approach more and more the mocking and ironic manner of the Italian burlesque poetsFinally, when his satiric genius had fully ripened, Byron found complete expression in serious and social satire†(Trueblood, 19). From an early age, Don Juan was destined to wander through a maze of sexuality. One can see this unfolding by merely looking at his parent’s marriage. Let us first look at Don Juan’s parents, Don Jose and Donna Inez. Byron presents the couple ironically and comically. Donna Inez, â€Å"morality’s prim personification perfect past all parallel†(Byron, I, 16-17), still is not good enough for Don Jose. A man with a greater concern for women than knowledge, Don Jose is not a particularly admirable father figure. He lacks respect for his wife, and â€Å"like a lineal son of Eve, /Went plucking various fruits without her leave†(Byron, I, 18). This allusion to Don Jose being a son of Eve is somewhat accurate and satirical. Like Eve, he is careless and unaware of the consequences of his actions. However, as Eve’s son, the offspring of God’s beautiful creation, Don Jose is given holy qualities. He cannot be blamed for his actions, and for a long time, Donna Inez blinds herself from his wrongdoings and maintains their marital status. Their relationship is practically pointless; a mother and father that wished each other dead, not divorced. The unification of Don Jose and Donna Inez is a comical union. â€Å"What men call gallantry, and gods adultery, / Is much more common where the climate’s sultry†(Byron, I, 63). The two reach a point where they canno t stand each other, yet for some reason, they stay together. At the same time, marital disputes and infidelity make for no laughing matter. They were, and continue to be, problems for couples all around the world. Byron depicts Don Jose and Donna Inez at each other’s throats, but still sleeping side by side. To further solidify ironic humour, when their divorce inevitably approaches, Don Jose falls ill and dies. His death right before getting divorced symbolizes the death of marriage. Byron might be poking fun at the fact that more and more marriages end in divorce, and that the fire shared by ‘soul mates’ typically burns out. Despite being an unfaithful and uncaring father, the narrator paradoxically calls Don Jose an honourable man. The death of the father creates increased duties for the mother. Donna Inez decides to enlighten Don Juan with the teachings of art and sciences, but in doing so, neglects teaching him the basic facts of life. Someone uniformed about basic life necessities is at risk of not knowing how to act and react to certain situations. Though Don Juan does not attempt to manipulate those around him, his lack of direction leads him to being a victim of a harsh, unforgiving world. â€Å"Ladies even of the most uneasy virtue / Prefer a spouse whose age is short of thirty†(Byron, I, 61). This is a bold statement from the narrator, but it is certainly the case for Donna Julia, Donna Inez’s friend. She falls for the young and handsome Don Juan when he turns sixteen, though her affection started before then. Donna Julia is seven years older than Don Juan. Her love for the young lad is both comic and paedophilic. Donna Julia unsuccessfully resists temptation, and eventually takes Juan’s innocence and sends him along a path of sexual confusion. As the narrator states: â€Å"Even innocence itself has many a wile / And will not dare to trust itself with truth, / And love is taught hypocrisy from youth†(Byron, I, 72). Her inability to resist Don Juan is satirical for he is sexually inexperienced. Being sexually unsatisfied, one would think Donna Julia would pursue a lover with sexual experience. Her longing for such a young man is bizarre a nd questionable. â€Å"Byron seems to the think temptation integral to creation, and fall the inevitable consequence of temptation†(Ridenour, 29). For Don Juan, an impending relationship with Donna Julia is most appealing, but in turn, it is the start of spiralling, sexual journey. â€Å"Oh pleasure, you’re indeed a pleasant thing, / Although one must be damned for you no doubt†(Byron, I, 119). Unfortunate consequences of plentiful pleasure tend to follow Don Juan around. His romance with Donna Julia is of short lived passion. One November night, Don Alfonso’s suspicions reach a new height and he confronts Donna Julia in her suite. The season is significant; November represents the conclusion of fall and an approaching winter. The trees lose their leaves, plants and shrubs dwindle and the days get shorter and colder. These events can be compared to Don Juan and Donna Julia’s relationship, as its fire is extinguished by an upset Don Alfonso. â€Å"Man is chained to cold earth and is able to alleviate his sufferings only by his own efforts – by love and glory and, as we learn in the second sta nza, by poetry. This very poem is presented as an attempt to give color, form, warmth to a world naturally colorless, indefinite and chill†(Ridenour, 33). This thought can also be applied to Donna Julia, who was brightening her world with the young Don Juan. Though she promised Don Alfonso to never disgrace the ring she wore, she falls victim to the fact that â€Å"pleasure’s a sin and sometimes sin’s a pleasure†(Byron, I, 133). Donna Julia acts like a double-edged sword when confronted by Don Alfonso. She gets upsets by his unfaithful accusations, while the whole time, Don Juan is hidden beneath a pile of clothes. â€Å"Satire was Byron’s natural and habitual response to censure and injury†(Trueblood, 20). In the end, Donna Julia is left emotionally hurt and displaced, while Don Juan barely escapes from a physical punishment. Don Alfonso is left betrayed, deceived and not knowing where to turn. The first canto ends with the same disheartened feeling: â€Å"All things that have been born were born to die, / And flesh (which Death mows down to hay) is grass†(Byron, I, 220). The allusion of De ath mowing the grass of life is comic and serious. Humans age from year to year and their health eventually deteriorates. The same can be said of Don Juan’s sexual relations. â€Å"In Don Juan, Byron uses almost every possible variation of epic tone, from the frivolous to the almost entirely serious†(Clancy, 63). The tone takes a turn for the worse when Juan is involved in a shipwreck. He manages to get aboard a longboat and escape the capsizing ship. Juan’s luck only lasts so long for his tutor, who boards the longboat only to be eaten several days later. Just when Juan appears on the brink of death, he floats to safety clutching an oar. The oar can be seen as an obvious phallic symbol, and in turn, it leads Juan to his first true love, Haidee. â€Å"Amidst the barren sand and rocks so rude / She and her wave-worn love had made their bower†(Byron, II, 198). The setting of their relationship is perfect, for it is both beautiful and dangerous. â€Å"As Byron is careful to point out, it is here, on a coast whose perils have been repeatedly emphasized, that the peculiarly harmonious and ideal love of Juan and Haidee is consummatedâ₠¬ (Ridenour, 44). The love of Juan and Haidee has a quality of magnificence which Don Juan and Donna Julia lacked. The two are portrayed as soul mates that happened upon each other. They were brought together in a stroke of luck and when their union is denied â€Å"the power of love sours to lust, sex hatred and leering prudishness. What is true love is equally true of the other passionsThe attempt to contain the passions and stop the flow of life always defeats itself in some manner. This is the particular form which the standard satiric plot takes in Don Juan†(Kernan, 93). Though Haidee and Juan were meant for each other, Lambro interferes and puts an end to their relationship. He ruins the purity of love, which had ironically been washed up on a beach. Lambro puts Juan into slavery, and furthermore, causes his daughter’s coma and eventual death. Had he accepted the unification of Juan and Haidee, life in general would have been happier, gayer. Violence and disorder lurk behind tranquility and harmony, and the tranquil and harmonious are fated inevitably to dissolve again in the violent and chaotic. This is an immutable law of Byron’s world. Haidee was, â€Å"Nature’s bride†(Byron, II, 202), and the love she shared with Juan is contrasted in its naturalness with the unnatural situation of woman in society. Their union is almost an act of natural religion. (Ridenour). Mary Grant places Don Juan â€Å"among the different kinds of humor, the mild and pervasive type of Socratic irony, subtle in its half-laughter and half-earnestness, harmonized best with the ease of affability of the sermo, its change of tone from grave to gay, its arts in the absence of art†(Ridenour,10). Don Juan is brought to a slave market in Constantinople and bought by a eunuch for the Sultana, Gulbeyaz. The eunuch, Baba, can be seen as a sinister and dangerous character. â€Å"The technique of associating the subject to be ridiculed with sexual impotence is, of course, a traditional one; but the connection between impotence and lust for power exists on a much deeper level than that of mere invective†(Ridenour, 12). Baba’s sexual life has been obliterated, and his condition foreshadows a drastic change to Don Juan. This is fulfilled when he is brought to the palace and immediately dressed in woman’s clothing. Juan’s gender rearrangement is ironic, and turns bizarre when Gulbeyaz demands him to make love to her. As he is still in mourning for losing Haidee, Juan refuses and bursts into tears. â€Å"In the accounts of his [Juan’s] relations with women, he is not made to appear heroic or even dignified; and these impress us as having an ingredien t of the genuine as well as of the make-believe†(Eliot, 97). His actions at first infuriate the Sultana, then she feels compassion, and eventually she cries. Juan is displaced from a man to a weeping woman, while Gulbeyaz turns from a demanding woman to an apathetic female. Communication between the two is short lived as the sultan approaches the castle. Upon seeing Juan, the sultan states: â€Å"I see you’ve bought another girl; ‘tis pity / That a mere Christian should be half so pretty†(Byron, V, 155). The sultan, who has four wives and undoubtedly several mistresses, comes off as a fool for not noticing that Juan is a male. We can laugh at his blindness, but at the same time, one can only wonder what else he does not see. In Canto I we have the amusing account of the genealogy of Don Juan. Then there is a description of the first of Juan’s amours, the Julia episode. Canto II continues Juan’s adventures, including his shipwreck and subsequent love affair with Haidee. In Cantos III and IV the passionate roma nce of Haidee and Juan comes to its tragic end and Juan is soon embroiled in the ludicrous seraglio escapade which occupies the whole of Canto V and is concluded in Canto VI (Trueblood, 5). Through these episodes, Byron uses satire to portray sexuality in a comical and serious manner. â€Å"The poem is a satire on the romantic cult of passion and on the natural man whose passions are his only guide from his proper woes†(Clancy, 53). Don Juan is sent on a rollercoaster of sexuality: paedophilic love, true love ending in a broken heart and then a confusing, uncertain relation. Through hardships and endeavours, Don Juan comes out a stronger man. From the first six cantos, one can conclude that â€Å"love, which should be a means of overcoming self, of living in and for another person, is itself egotistic. The remedy merely aggravates the disorder. It is the same paradox which, in other terms, we have met so often before†(Ridenour, 75). The comedic yet serious portrayal of sexuality makes Don Juan one of the greatest satires even written.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Development of the Underclass in the 1990s
Development of the Underclass in the 1990s Critically evaluate the research evidence in support of the contention that Britain developed an underclass in the 1990s? What are the main differences between the use of underclass and the concept of social exclusion and why is the distinction important? Introduction The idea that society was stratified and inhabited by different classes of people dates back to the thought of Karl Marx. Marx saw capitalist society as exploitative and oppressive. Marx maintained that the conflicts between those who rule and those who are ruled, would eventually lead to changes in the economic system of a society (Marsh, I et al.2000). According to Marx the blame for class exploitation does not lie with individual capitalists but is inherent in capitalist systems . Conflict and tension are also evident in capitalist systems. These are especially evident between between different groups of wage earners and between the ruling classes these would intensify due to a number of developments, namely polarisation, homogenisation, and pauperisation (Marsh, I et al.2000). Polarisation, Marx believed, would occur as a result of increasing tension and hostility between the ruling class and the working class, within the groups individuals would become more like each other resulting in homogenisation, capitalists in their desire for expansion and workers in their reliance on work in factories rather than on traditional skills. The success of capitalism meant that wages need to be kept down and the gap widened between employers and workers. In this way workers are made poorer, or become unemployed and are pauperised. Marx believed that this would result in social revolution and the setting up of a new social system (Marsh, I et al.2000). This did not happen and such pauperization, it might be argued became the basis for what Charles Murray (1990) has termed the development of an underclass. This paper will evaluate evidence to assess whether and in what ways an underclass may be said to have developed in Britain during the 1990s. It will also look at the main differences between the concept of an underclass and the concept of social exclusion and why this distinction is important. Charles Murray and the Underclass Charles Murray is an American and his theory of the underclass was originally developed in over there. He saw an increase in violent crime, a rise in the number of illegitimate births and people dropping out from the labour force, it was on this basis that he formed his theory of a developing underclass. He then attempted to apply this theory to the UK where he observed similar phenomenon taking place. Some of his views led to heated debates, particularly with regard to single mothers, during the Thatcher and Major governments and under New Labour. Unlike America, Britain is more of a welfare state, or was at the time, and he believed that the over provision of welfare services encouraged welfare dependency and a decreasing desire to work for a living (Murray, 1989). Greater welfare provision, he argued encouraged young girls to have children out of wedlock because they no longer had to rely on a man to support them and their child. The culture of dependency that Murray identified, did, he argued, have a generational aspect. Young males growing up without proper role models ran wild and fathered illegitimate children themselves thus continuing a dependency culture. Debates in England His arguments were welcomed by the then Conservative Government who had already vowed to roll back the welfare state. Claiming themselves to be the party of the family (Giddens, 2001) they agreed with Murray that those who did not work should not have children. Those who did have children out of wedlock and could not support them should have their benefits stopped and be forced to give their children up for adoption. Throughout the 1990s this view was espoused by a number of British politicians who aired their views on television debating shows. Although this did not happen, successive Governments have tightened their hold on benefits purse strings and made life much harder for those who have to live on welfare benefits. This had further repercussions in policy making in the UK. The Housing Act of 1996 was seen by many as a result of these debates and deleted some groups from local authority housing lists those people e.g. single mothers, who had been a priority when it came to local authority housing allocation, thus reducing the responsibility towards the homeless for local authorities. It also brought in the Single Persons Homeless Register, thus reducing responsibility for those who would have been seen as in priority need (Bramley et al, 2005). During this time increased unemployment left large numbers dependent on benefits. The number of those who are long-term unemployed also rose. Social changes and successive government policies has widened the gap between rich and poor. Field (1996) has argued that the actions of the Conservative Government in targeting benefits through means testing, actually increased welfare dependency and put people into an inescapable poverty trap. Field further maintains that these policies were a major factor in the developm ent of an underclass in Britain. However, in Field’s view the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of the Thatcher and Major governments. The Underclass and Ethnicity Some of Murray’s views might be considered racist, in that he claims that black people are less intelligent than whites and black women are more likely to have illegitimate children and live on benefits. Giddens supports Murray’s ideas of an underclass and (albeit for market reasons rather than the reasons given by Murray) also argues that a dual labour market is in operation and as a result of discrimination the underclass contains a high proportion of people from ethnic minorities. Much of what he has to say pre-empts Murray’s work as it was written in 1973. Where ethnic differences serves as a disqualifying market capacity, such that those in the category are heavily concentrated in the lowest paid occupations, or are chronically unemployed or self-employed, we may speak of the existence of and underclass (Giddens, 1973:112). Gaillie (1994) has questioned the arguments of Murray and Giddens. He disputes the idea that the underclass develops a specific culture and maintains that there is little evidence to support the existence of a dual labour market. He does however, acknowledge that the position of many people in the labour market has been weakened to the point where they are working for slave wages. While this does tend to support the existence of an underclass, Gaillie refutes the notion that such groups are forming either a class or a culture. Murray’s Later Work Writing in 1999 Murray observed that unemployment among young males was much higher than ten years earlier. He disputes the findings of others when he maintains that there was no evidence to suggest that this was the result of a shrinking market. He cites a rise in crime rates, particularly violent crime as further evidence that an underclass sin Britain is developing in the same way as in America. These figures are however disputed by other theorists who would argue that although the crime rate is high it has been on a downturn. He also refers again to the number of single parent families, but figures in Britain evidence that the majority of single parent families are that way as a result of divorce or the death of a partner, rather than the never married single mother. Some of what Murray has to say takes little account of other social problems that may contribute to people living on the margins of society. Some of the groups that Murray refers to might be said to be socially exclu ded, but this is not the same thing as an underclass. Social Exclusion Social exclusion is a term used in a variety of ways but is generally seen to refer to those people who for one reason or another are not fully included in the social life of a community. The reasons for social exclusion are connected, and are poverty, unemployment, and a lack of education. These are not only reasons however, where a person lives, their ethnicity, sexual orientation, or disabilities are also reasons why they might be regarded as excluded. Government recognises that they cannot tackle social exclusion unless they adopt an approach that deals with all these issues together (ODPM, 2004). However, much Government discourse tends to make little distinction between the socially excluded and an underclass because many of its documents refer to single parent families, anti-social behaviour and youth crime. This is wrong because people can be socially excluded without being part of a sub-culture or underclass, if such a thing exists. Social exclusion is a process that stops p eople from fully participating in society (Giddens, 2001) whereas the concept of an underclass implies that some people choose to opt out of society. Conclusion Although there are times where Murray presents a convincing argument, it is not convincing enough to be able to say that there really is an underclass in Britain. Too many different forces could account for the increase in the number of people on benefits, not least a shrinking labour market which Murray refuses to acknowledge, even though many theorist will agree that this is a global phenomenon. Some points that he makes could place people in the category of socially excluded, but as this paper has attempted to establish that is not the same thing as being a member of an underclass. It is certainly the case that some groups of people are a lot less fortunate than others. Many single parents are forced to rely on benefits because if they go to work they will be even worse off. The costs of childcare are astronomical. In conclusion I would say that the evidence does not support Murray’s theory of an underclass. It does tend to suggest that we live in a society where the gap be tween rich and poor gets wider every day. This in turn means that people are excluded from full social participation e.g. many parents cannot afford for their children to go on school trips. People who live in poorer areas go to the worst schools and so exclusion becomes a vicious circle, but that is not the same thing as saying an underclass is developing in Britain. Bibliography Bramley et al, 2005 Evaluation of English Housing Policy 1975-2002 Field, F. 1996. Stakeholder Welfare. London, IEA Gaillie, D 1994 â€Å" Are the unemployed and underclass? Some evidence from the social change and economic life initiative†Sociology 28, 3 pp737-757 Giddens A 1973 The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies London, Hutchinson Giddens A 2001 Sociology 4th ed Cambridge Polity Murray, C 1989 Underclass Sunday Times Magazine I 26th November Murray, C 2000 Underclass+10 Charles Murray and the British Underclass 1990-2000 London, Civitas in association with The Sunday Times ODPM, 2004. Theme 1: Supply, Need and Access London ODPM Walsh, I ed. 2000 Sociology: Making Sense of Society. Edinburgh, Prentice Hall.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Hoop Dreams And Rasin In The Sun - Comparison Contrast Paper
The movie Hoop Dreams shows you the difficulties and obstacles that come in the way of dreams. Although it’s said that if you believe in a dream long enough it will come true, but in Hoop Dreams and A Raisin in the Sun you are shown the harsh realities of the falseness of that statement. And that the reality of a dream not coming true hits you like a brick wall. Many obstacles get in the way of the road to dreams in both stories. In both stories, all families suffer from having little knowledge, and it doesn’t help that they’re all black. Also being poor and living in the ghetto makes things that much harder. Pregnancies also put big bumps in the road to success, in both instances it makes the families come together and try their hardest to make it through. However, there are also many different obstacles that come in the way for each family. In Hoop Dreams, both William and Arthur are given much support to fulfill their dreams of getting to the NBA, but Walter in A Raisin in the Sun is only given grief on getting his liquor store. This can point the young immature teens to giving them more hope that a very rare dream will come true. Also, the two ballplayers do have talent to help them start down the road to success, but that can be very misleading, all Walter has is the nagging of his buddies Bobo and Willy. The toughest of t he obstacles to overcome was when William injured his knee and it affected his basketball career for a long time. He never really did get over it, he...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Modern Day Prophets: Islam versus Christianity Essay -- Essays Papers
Modern Day Prophets: Islam versus Christianity In today’s world of chaos and war, many people are turning to religion. People look to organized religion not only for solace but on the contrary, they also look to attribute cause for the world’s woes. The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11th has many people looking to the religion of Islam for a culprit, as the men who flew the planes were Israeli suicide missionaries. These men thought themselves to be on a mission from God (Allah). This implies that they were acting on the words of a prophet, or thought themselves prophets. In response to this, I decided to research the major religions in today’s world that rely on modern day prophets for guidance. By doing so, I am attempting to prove the religion of Islam innocent by comparing it to many other religions that have similar structure but no terrorist intentions. The first question we come to when studying religions based on the teachings of modern prophets is this: can modern prophets exist? Christianity, one of the three major religions followed today, says yes. â€Å"†¦The Wisdom of God said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they will kill and some of them they will persecute†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ †(Holy Bible) This quote from Christianity’s great rule book also predicts that when prophets do come to the Earth, people will not accept them as such. This is fairly accurate in Christians’ reactions to religions that have their basis in Christianity but have diverged from the church into their own sects. One of the largest and strongest divergent sects of Christianity is known commonly as Mormonism. Mormons believe that there have been prophets in the past, so why should there not be pr... ...ny different faiths from an unbiased perspective: the Unification Church section. [6] Holy Bible. Book of Revelation, Chapter 12: verse 17. [7] A sampling of statements regarding Mrs. Eddy’s place in Bible prophecy, which have been published by the Christian Science Publishing Society. [8] Jehovah’s Witnesses and the use of the word â€Å"prophet.†[9] A website about the Urantia Book and the subsequent Urantia Foundation. [10] A site explicating the role of Muhammad within history and the religion of Islam. [11] An interview with an Islamis scholar, Sidi Ali, concerning the terrorist attacks in the Middle East.
A Theological Perspective of the Clash of Civilizations Essay examples
Introduction On more than one occasion, President George W. Bush has described the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, as fostering â€Å"a monumental battle of good versus evil.†In this battle, there has been no doubt in his mind (or in ours) regarding who is on the side of good and who is on the side of evil. Though some have winced at the President’s use of such absolute moral terms to portray the tragic events of that fateful day, others have applauded his courageous use of such unfashionable discourse as entirely appropriate, even suggesting that it implies the demise of the cultural scourge of postmodern moral relativism. Another important way, not entirely unrelated, of interpreting what transpired on 9/11 is to explain the attack of Islamic extremists on the United States of America as a manifestation of a â€Å"clash of civilizations.†At the center of this way of looking at these unprecedented events has been an article and book both authored by the noted Harvard professor of political science, Samuel P. In the summer 1993 edition of the journal Foreign Affairs, Huntington argued that world politics was entering a new phase after the end of the Cold War, and that tensions between civilizations, as the highest cultural groupings of people, would dominate the global scene. He explains the article’s thesis in these words. It is my hypothesis that the fundamental source of conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic. The great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural. Nation states will remain the most powerful actors in world affairs, but the principal conflicts of global politics will occur between nations and groups of different ci... ...vides a basis for that blaze, that vision, and that life. Let us pray and live it out with a sincere heart with a view to God’s glory in the restoration of humankind Solzhenitsyn, â€Å"A World Split Apart,†59, 61. and the renewal of the earth in an age of a tremendous battle between good and evil and the clash of civilizations. Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. And where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may seek not so much to be consoled, as to console. To be understood, as to understand. To be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Improving Communication Skills
We all have people with whom we have to work to get things done. Our ability to communicate with clients, customers, subordinates, peers, and superiors can enhance our effectiveness or sabotage us. Many times, our verbal skills make the difference. Here are 10 ways to increase your verbal efficacy at work: 1. Develop your voice – A high whiney voice is not perceived to be one of authority. In fact, a high soft voice can make you sound like prey to an aggressive co-worker who is out to make his/her career at the expense of anyone else. Begin doing exercises to lower the pitch of your voice. Here is one to start: Sing  but do it an octave lower on all your favorite songs. Practice this and, after a period of time, your voice will begin to lower. 2. Slow down – People will perceive you as nervous and unsure of yourself if you talk fast. However, be careful not to slow down to the point where people begin to finish your sentences just to help you finish. 3. Animate your voice – Avoid a monotone. Use dynamics. Your pitch should raise and lower. Your volume should be soft and loud. Listen to your local TV news anchor; take notes. 4. Enunciate your words – Speak clearly. Don’t mumble. If people are always saying, â€Å"huh,†to you, you are mumbling. 5. Use appropriate volume – Use a volume that is appropriate for the setting. Speak more softly when you are alone and close. Speak louder when you are speaking to larger groups or across larger spaces. 6. Pronounce your words correctly – People will judge your competency through your vocabulary. If you aren’t sure how to say a word, don’t use it. 7. Use the right words – If you’re not sure of the meaning of a word, don’t use it. Start a program of learning a new word a day. Use it sometime in your conversations during the day. 8. Make eye contact – I know a person who is very competent in her job. However, when she speaks to individuals or groups, she does so with her eyes shut. When she opens them periodically, she stares off in a direction away from the listener. She is perceived as incompetent by those with whom she consults. One technique to help with this is to consciously look into one of the listener’s eyes and then move to the other. Going back and forth between the two (and I hope they only have two) makes your eyes appear to sparkle. Another trick is to imagine a letter â€Å"T†on the listener’s face with the cross bar being an imaginary line across the eye brows and the vertical line coming down the center of the nose. Keep your eyes scanning that â€Å"T†zone. 9. Use gestures – Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups. The gestures should get larger as the group that one is addressing increases in size. 10. Don’t send mixed messages – Make your words, gestures, facial expressions, tone, and message match. The ability to communicate successfully and easily in English is a required skill for corporate, public sector employees, and students. While modern schooling might provide you with a good base and understanding of the English language, who is there to help you improve your ability to communicate more effectively and accurately in a professional world dominated by English? Over recent years, English has become recognized as the language of international business. Increasingly, international businessmen from a wide variety of business sectors are expected to have a comprehensive working knowledge of English. The companies who train their staff in Business English do so because they recognize the paramount importance of having fully-trained staff whose skills include English language proficiency. Verbal Expressions is able to offer you an unequalled level of individual, convenient, cost efficient English language training. You will benefit from experienced and effective English trainers, all of whom have considerable training expertise as well as practical experience. The high demand for conversational business English training has clearly been demonstrated as businesses move into international markets. English language skills are becoming more and more important. Throughout the world there is a very necessary need for conversational English programs which respond immediately and effectively to the emerging business communities getting involved in international trade. Verbal Expressions can help you improve your speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Verbal Expressions’ On-Line, ONE-On-ONE Conversational training gives you a 100% one-person focus in the convenience of your own office or home at times suitable to you.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Cypop 7 Essay
CYPOP 7 – Promote creativity and creative learning in young children 1.1 – Analyse the differences between creative learning and creativity Creative learning is about how children are actively involved in their own learning and their ability to make choices and decisions. This can be achieved by providing a creative environment, allowing exploration through play and praising the child’s creative efforts. Creative learning is about helping children develop imaginative thinking through exploration of materials, objects and problem solving skills like ICT. It is also about giving children opportunities to make connections between different areas and to relate to them. Some creative learning activities may be goal orientated like the goal is to make any painting they like, but the child will also be exploring the different colours given to them; to paint like colours can be mixed to make another colour. This activity will also help the child in other areas of learning too. Creative learning is about children using their mind to solve problems. Creativity is about risk taking and making connections, allowing children to explore and express themselves through a variety of media and materials. Like through dance, music, making things and drawing. A child being creative is linked to play and can develop through a child being engaged in their own actions and ideas. Creativity consists of traditional arts and the development of imagination and imaginative play, like role play and small world play. Creativity is about exploring emotions and expressions; also is about enjoying creativity and learning from the process. Creativity links to creative development areas of the learning from the EYFS. 1.2 – Explain current theoretical approaches to creativity and creative learning in early childhood There are many theoretical approaches to creativity and creative learning these are nature verses nurture this could mean that people are born with it or they learn it from life or other people. Some people believe that children will learn from watching other people this is called role modelling. Many may believe that creativity is a progress, this means that creativity will follow a pattern to make it happen, this will also help to build upon skills that will occur. Nature versus nurture is a debate in the area of psychology. In terms of children’s creativity, some think children are born naturally creative, for example having a gift for music or having a creative personality. This is known as the â€Å"nature†theory. Others believe creativity is something that can be taught. This is known as the â€Å"nurture†theory. The cultural approach means that every child will be creative so many things will affect this. As practitioners you have to give the child the right environment that will help children to explore and be creative with how they want to be. Cognitive theories is when children make relations between different things, this theory look at how the brain puts things together, lots of opportunities need to be provided for the child to develop knowledge in lots of different areas, and so that they can draw on their own views and experiences. Some theorists such as Robert Sternberg and Howard Gardener argue that being able to make new connections and to create a drawing from them is a type of intelligence. The ‘Creative Partnerships’ programme was set up in 2002 by the government in response to the influential report ‘all our futures’. They use the term ‘creative learning’ to try and sum up their education programme. They believe creative partnerships can help free the creativity of everyone involved by engaging them in fresh approaches to learning through partnership. They feel collaborative working has these key characteristics; †¢ Motivation for learning †¢ Bringing the curriculum to life †¢ Greater involvement in decision making †¢ New ways for learners to engage in a subject The Qualifications Curriculum Assessment (QCA: Creativity, Find It and Promote It 2005), promotes creativity as an vital part of all national curriculum subjects and identifies characteristics of creative learning as; †¢ Questioning and challenging conventions and assumptions †¢ Making imaginative connections and associating things that aren’t usually related †¢ Visualizing what might be: imagining seeing things in mind’s eye †¢ Trying alternative and fresh approaches, keeping options open †¢ Reflecting critically on ideas, action and outcomes These characteristics and abilities have shown to lead to a sense of purpose, achievement of strengths, talents and interests, self-respect and a sense of belonging. 1.3 – Critically analyse how creativity and creative learning can support young children’s emotional, social, intellectual, communication and physical development Creativity and creative learning can support children’s development in a number of ways. Emotionally they learn how to manage frustration if something is not going to plan and they feel happy and proud and a sense of achievement when something is completed by them. Socially children can build up self-confidence by working with others or alongside them; to make something to share with everyone and the child also makes new friends. Intellectually children learn about problem solving, numeracy and developing their reading and writing skills. Children’s capability to communicate with peers and adults develops through creative play as well as their overall speech and listening skills. Physically, creativity can help develop fine motor skills by children using materials such as crayons, paints and sticking. Participating in movement activities such as dance or drama (role play) also improves the child’s overall physical development. Like during a cooking activity children are learning many skills through this creative process, they may feel happy and excited about making their own food. They are sociable by working with adults to support them and cooking for their friends or family members. By following instructions either written or verbal and measuring quantities they are developing intellectually. Knowing when to ask for help and starting a conversation around what they are doing and using can help develop their communication skills especially listening and taking direction. Finally all the mixing, chopping, kneading and picking up small cut up pieces, help the child develop physically developing the fine motor skills, hand eye co-ordination and building hand and arm muscles. The EYFS ensures that creativity and critical thinking are developed through play- based learning across the curriculum, and that children learn in an environment encouraging exploration and active and playful learning. It reflects the viewpoint that play offers significant benefits for children’s cognitive, emotional, social and physical development and is central to creativity.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Film and Photographic Equipment Essay
As of the time of the case, 2007, although IMAX was involved in three different industries, the case suggests that it was primarily in Photographic Equipment and Supplier industry primarily because about 51 per cent of its total revenue of IMAX was system sale. Therefore, the following analysis will focus on that industry. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Major suppliers of photographic equipment and supplier industry may include manufacturers producing relevant components of any kind of equipment, contractors making the complete equipment, and so forth. From my viewpoint, the suppliers’ bargaining power is low because of several reasons. First, along with the development of photographically relevant equipment, although the products firms provide are technically concentrated, there are certain standards recognized and adopted, such as film size of 35 mm or certain sizes of lens filter, in the industry. Therefore, the switching cost for their buyers is low. Second, photographic equipment and supplier industry is an important customer to its supplier group. Specifically, the usage of the products that the supplier group provides is limited to machinery or equipment in other industries. Besides, although there are few substitute products, which situation generally increases supplier group’s bargaining power, firms in photographic equipment and supplier industry still can easily find other manufacturers with lower cost. Bargaining Power of Buyers The buyer group of photographic equipment and supplier industry is enormous, ranging from B2B buyers like motion picture production firms to B2C buyers like customers who purchase digital single lens cameras. Considering the difference of consuming difference of buyers and following reasons, the bargaining power of buyers is medium. First, sales volume varies among different segments. For example, motion movie production studios or chain multiplexes may have high bargaining power because of high purchasing volumes; on the other hand, customers who go to Staple to purchase a copy machine have little or no bargaining power. Second, the products in photographic equipment and supplier industry are generally undifferentiated because of aforementioned regular standard existing, and therefore bargaining power increases. However, exception could be that once new products are launched with attracting feature and highly accepted by buyers, such as IMAX format, the bargaining power decreases. Moreover, because of the great scope of photographic equipment, switching cost varies extremely, taking the difference between cameras shooting in IMAX digital format and little digital cameras from all brands in the market as example. Besides, backward integrations are less likely to happen compared to forward integrations from supplier group. Threat of Substitute Products In photographic equipment and supplier industry, treat of substitute is low primarily because products from this industry has been evolving for decades and has become essential goods. For instance, copy machine, also provided from the industry, has become essential equipment in firms and institutions. Although the substitute products to this example could be pens and paper, few people really would do that for efficiency concern, and therefore the switching cost is high. Intensity of Rivalry Competition in photographic equipment and supplier industry is intense for reasons. Because of the specialized nature of the products, generally exist barrier is high for big companies like Cannon, Nikon, and Xerox, and those major competitors are highly committed to the industry by providing products with advanced technology and competing against each other intensively. Although some products in the industry can differentiate themselves from others and protected by patents for a period of time, new film format from IMAX for example, once competitors foresee the great potential profitability, it is not difficult for them to produce products with similar features to split the market share. Threat of Entry From my viewpoint, the threat of entry in the industry is medium. Take multi-business electronics suppliers such as Sony and Samsung as example, they supply various lines of products and compete against each other. Even photographic equipment is not their primary selling product, supported by strong capital and experienced R&D departments, those companies are able to enter photographic equipment and supplier industry and split a piece of market share, primarily because of their existing reputation from relevant electronics industry. To deal with new coming competitors, current suppliers are less likely to have continuous price cutting battles because of high fixed costs; instead, it is more likely to increase investments, like R&D, and product lines to keep market share in every targeted segment. An obvious example is that when Sony entered digital single lens camera market with cheaper price, other major suppliers like Nikon and Cannon did not cut price on existing premium products but expanded product lines to launch cheaper products competing directly to Sony. In short, the barrier is not so high for certain new competitors to come into the industry, but because of the intense reaction from existing players, the impact and threat new comings bring in is moderate. Competitive Advantages Advanced Technology One of the competitive advantages of IMAX and the most distinguishing characteristics that differentiate the company from its competitors is its advanced and unique technology that brings new formats, and other associated system equipment like screen and projector into the industry. The key element contributes to this advantage is that the company was committed to invest in R&D. In return, the company was granted many patents that would keep the company in a unique position and from direct competition in the industry. Products Quality Control and Relationship Another IMAX’s competitive advantage is its quality control of products and system implementation. With its distinguishing technology, IMAX had been implementing the system into multiple locations, including multiplexes and education institutions, and because of its strict quality control and maintenance service, the company could maintain good relationship with diverse customers. The agreement of theatrical system implementation and service is an advantage for IMX to generate revenue not only from one-time transactions but long term profit splitting. Brand image and Product Distribution Diversity IMAX has built a unique brand image both from hardware and software perspectives and that also remains the company competitive. First, people would recognize IMAX as a prestigious theatrical system supplier based on their experience from multiple locations. Especially when major multiplex brands and education institutions carry its system, it’s very likely that people would naturally feel IMAX credible. The consequence is beneficial for IMX to expand business later, such as entering home theater system market. From the software perspective, especially the company’s educational entertainment production, not only create revenue other than just from commercial production but catch the trend of increased consumption of educational entertainment. The situation help IMAX build up a unique brand image that its production is not only commercial but educational so that people would have more trust in the company’s future motion picture production. To sum up, although IMAX has several competitive advantages, not all of them will last for too long. For instance, competitors could match up with its advances technology by inventing other formats and once they are accepted by end consumers, it will become a big threat for the company; On the other hand, some advantages could last for a long time once IMAX take good care of them. For example, the brand image being as a well motion picture production supplier is one that can remain in consumers’ minds for a long time and that’s not what new competitors can achieve in a short time. Corporate Advantages From my viewpoint, IMAX has corporate advantages because of its diverse productions from equipment supplier, motion picture production, and distribution industry. However, the most important issue is how to leverage those segments to increase the company’s growth. Business & Resources IMAX’s core business, photographic equipment and supplier, provides capabilities to enhance all its business. The company has created competitive advantages as mentioned and those advantages enhance the company’s business across industries. For instance, for its motion picture production business, all the films are shot in new IMAX formats, film or digital, by the equipment its own supplier segment produces, it reduce huge cost for format conversion compared to other films shot in different formats y other studios. Organization Because of the narrow scope of the business, coordination among different sectors in the organization is critical for IMX. For instance, the vertical integration of the business allows the company to share resources such as instant feedbacks for its R&D department from motion picture production sector. By sharing these experience and information, the company will have the ability to forecast and adapt to new opportunities shortly in the future for every sectors in its value chain. In short, IMAX’s corporate advantages come from its competitive advantages and vertical integration. Because its business is based on unique technology and coordinated the whole value chain, it is not easy for competitors to imitate and therefore time for its corporate advantages is expected to last. Recommendations Keep Diversity of Production To answer the question that if IMAX would lose its differentiation because of numerous Hollywood films, my recommendation is that IMAX should keep doing converting Hollywood films and at the same time producing educational films. One reason is that format conversion brings good revenue for IMAX and people would be able to tell the difference between Hollywood movies in IMAX format and its own production. On the other hand, IMAX should keep catching on the trend of the increasing consumption of educational entertainment, because the company has been building up a good image distributing films in educational institutions and such would also prevent the erosion of its brand image. Not Sold to Larger Studios Another recommendation for IMAX is that it should not be sold to a larger studio, and the main reason is that IMAX has already created its own competitive and corporate advantages and they are not easy to imitate. What IMAX should do is properly exploiting its assets, both tangible and intangible. Although the company in motion picture production industry is small and face competitors like Pixar, it should still stay on the track catching the trend by coordination and support from its other business ectors. Expanding Market & Production Diversity IMAX’s new technology is standing in a niche market without sustainable growth. Even though the company is able to keep generate great revenue from equipment sales, saturation in USA will become an issue someday. To deal with that, IMAX has to make a short term strategy doing business in USA and expand to global market, because from Exhibit 11, we can see that films generated revenue approximately two tim es overseas more as those in USA. However, for long term strategy, IMAX has to find a way to expand its business in a slow-growing market. For instance, the company can expand its product lines into home theater system because the case indicates a high usage rate of DVD, and the system is still highly relevant equipment to the current product lines. By doing so, IMAX can benefit from creating potential revenue from new sources and from keeping its brand image as a innovating company in the equipment supplier industry.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Simple Pricing
The new service as „i-mode†start on 22 February 1999. Initially 67 content providers participated in the new service, with sites ranging from banking to Karaoke. Thanks to „i- mode†always and everywhere we can use from informative services, the universal bank services, stock quotations, reservation of tickets. Telephone is guide after cinemas restaurants, clubs etc. However the largest popularity have service LadyCall (which addressees are teenage Japanese), dedicated the newest trends of fashion, the most popular idols and actors including many different information which was should know, to distinguish in peers' company. Young users are the prime motor of success „i- mode†. They are almost half of all subscribers. The users „i- mode†not pay for time duration the connection, but for quantity of sended data. Dispatch or receipt one packet (128 bytes) carries out 3 yens (about 12 groszy), and regular payment 300 yens (about 12 zloty) monthly. Some services available by authorized partners require bringing additional, small payments. They are small, but they make up the powerful source of earnings. Provides by that example of Bandai firm- the Japanese potentate of amusement industry- in price 1 USD monthly sends every day everyone of subscribers the small animation. Only this one service is in Japan about 2 million users. „I-Mode's†Business model „I-mode†has been extraordinarily successful in Japan. This is because of its outstanding convenience and it's unique business model. Its reliance on this system offers an innovative approach to the mobile service value chain and to wireless service / Internet relationships. Exists close cooperation with equipment manufacturers, content providers, and other platforms to ensure that wireless technology, content quality, and user experience evolve jointly. This synchronization guarantees that customers, partners and shareholders share interests with end-user's, thus enabling all parties to maximize value and to continue to improve the quality of products and services connected with i-mode. By adopting an HTML subset is able to creation of sites exceptionally simple. Is enabled the compatibility of many other standards including: GIF, Java, MIDI, Macromedia Flash, and HTTP. Additionally DOCOMO promoting beneficial alliances with a variety of international partners, including content providers, overseas operators, ISPs, software developers and manufacturers. These alliances endorse international coverage; encourage the development of new collaborative products, and offer i-mode users the most cost-effective, high-quality products and services available globally. Simple Pricing System DOCOMO collect monthly information charges for the i-Menu listed content providers via a consolidated bill for all mobile phone activities, thus eliminating the need for provider billing. This arrangement reduces expenses for the content partners and encourages them to generate high-quality offerings to attract new subscribers, thereby boosting their profits. Additionally, they are able to generate incremental revenue by charging a small commission for the clearinghouse billing system service.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Prostitution and Surrogacy, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Prostitution and Surrogacy, - Essay Example The role of religion in surrogate motherhood is best typified by the biblical scenario where barren Sarah (Abraham wife) arranged for Abraham and Hagar (Surrogate mother) to have a child. The surrogate role Hagar played made her proud and pompous to the extent of refusing to hand over the son she had born. Christian apologetic portend that "surrogacy is a personal decision between a couple and God. That God is the moral Arbiter in the universe, whose justification is exactly differentiated on what is immoral or moral". This factor afore mentioned deals with morality, enshrined in ones religion beliefs. The Vatican has condemned surrogacy including all other non conjugal reproductive arrangements as sinful. The Roman Catholic Church states that, this in defense of cardinal human values; implying the threat on the sanctity of the traditional family unit posed by a third party. The financing of a surrogacy to process is quite costly. However the factor that is debatable is the payment of dues to the gestational individuals. That from the onset one may pay to sleep (and sire a child) with a surrogate bring in the version of prostitution. The motive behind the payment made and accepted questions the ultimate goal. Whether it is for love or money The couple and the surrogate are encouraged to share information, to undergo successive therapies and medical checks. The unsettling factor is the probable loss of privacy. The exposure of ones personal details may leave one feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable. Pregnancy has its possible outcomes at birth in the form of miscarriages, multiple births, and serious disabilities. And there is always the risk that either the surrogate mother or the commissioning couple could have a change of mind. The legality of surrogacy Legislation is a measure with regulatory limits that has served in defining extents of surrogate motherhood. The law lacks uniformity in the application of the practice; however different federal jurisdictions distinguish between the concept of unpaid and unpaid surrogacy. The "altruistic" mode of surrogacy involves no payment for the service. On the other hand "commercial" surrogacy has the element of tribute payment. Altruistic surrogacy is, in many jurisdictions, unregulated. On the other hand punitive limits are placed on the commercial one. Advertising of surrogacy is prohibited, to reduce spread of practice. Surrogate contracts are unenforceable; hence surrogate mothers cannot relinquish custody of child to commissioning parents. The status of children Act, denies the bond between child and commissioning sperm donor while espousing the resulting offspring to be that of the surrogate mother and her husband (as legally bound). Successive lawmakers questioned talked of undesirable separation of roles, with a mother who sells her eggs, on who carries baby to term and the one to raise baby. Also most surrogate parents / couples were noted to be in search of specific quality refusing to accept disabled kids. Classic profiles are noted as driving point, with commissioning couples seeking positive eugenics. Surrogates are chosen due to the positive attributes the offer
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Geograhpy middile east class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Geograhpy middile east class - Essay Example I would support a deal between my country and the Palestinians that secured access for Israel to the freshwater aquifer under the West Bank when it becomes an independent nation in exchange for free access for Palestinians to the Temple Mount. I would support this deal for two reasons. The first centers on vital access to fresh water that Israel desperately needs. Even though the Temple Mount is significant to Israelis, especially religious ones, there is nothing there that will help water crops, animals or people. The Temple Mount will not ensure fresh water for food processing or other industrial processes. We need access to that water in order to keep growing and strengthening our economy. The second reason we should strike this deal is to begin to change public perception of Israel. We are often viewed in this day and age as the side that inhibits movement in any peace process. If we would offer this deal, then we could show that we are really willing to negotiate about the diffi cult issues that separate us from the Palestinians. The Temple Mount is a sacred site for many Israelis. It is an important place for the Jewish nation. But the reality is, allowing access to Palestinians will not make it less sacred. Gaining access to the aquifer under the West Bank is necessary for the survival of the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Gender problem Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gender problem - Coursework Example All these emanate from the fact that the boys believe that they exist in a boy world that expects them to be tough, aggressive, stern and even defiant. In terms of historical background, masculinity crisis in the boys in the educational setting has had a long record. Since time immemorial, lots of men have continually continued to suffer the wrath of living up to their societal constructed masculinity. The same masculinity has been expressed in the educational setting where the boys are expected to be tough and not show any form of passiveness. The boys, therefore, become aggressive and chose not to adhere to the school’s regulations. In the end, the boys do not perform as expected of them. Jones and Myhill (2004a) indicate that for a long time, the boys have been associated with misbehavior that leads to their underachievement in education. This stereotype has continued to discriminate the boys in the classroom setting; thus, placing them at a lower bar than the girls as far as education matters are concerned. The crisis of masculinity instilled in these boys continues to derail their abilities to act normally. They act as per the requirements of the society and their peers. Boys will then continue to be troubled and the girls hopeful (Jones & Myhill, 2004b).The gender gap; as a result, keeps widening. In the present day society the crisis of masculinity in the education setting is also evident. As seen in the research conducted by Whitmire & Bailey (2010), the performance of the boys has greatly been hampered by the construction of masculinity that has led to the school environment being too harsh for them. The boys then find it difficult to live up to the expectations of the school authorities. So as to reverse the situation, Gibson & Martinez’s (2003) work relates to recommendation that the boys may be taught that they can use their masculinity to compete with the girls
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Business strategy IKEA group Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business strategy IKEA group - Case Study Example Using secondary research this report will present the emergent and direct strategies of this company and will also explain the reasons for IKEA to follow them. The report will then explain the importance of written strategic plan and cite the approach companies must take to deal with emergent events. This report also presents the future strategies for IKEA by using Ansoff's matrix. The history of IKEA in the Appendices section shows its steady growth over the years. This report now gives examples of emergent strategies and direct strategies of IKEA and the reasons for following them. (i) The company generally works through a network of worldwide suppliers and doesn't manufacture its own products. But, the company has few factories that set benchmarks for their suppliers on production economy, and quality (Nattrass and Altomare, 1999). The company focuses on achieving efficiency at low cost without compromising on the quality (Rosenhauer, 2008). By setting an example in front of the suppliers, the company can get better products from them and deliver more customer satisfaction. (ii) IKEA is also the joint owner or financer in a number of countries to secure supplies and help suppliers develop (Nattrass and Altomare, 1999). This may increase IKEA's competitiveness as companies can increase their competitive positioning by undertaking key activities in the value chain. The company also makes efforts to form close relationship with the suppliers and helps them develop, and innovate through training programs (Rosenhauer, 2008). This ensures better cooperation with the suppliers who strive to give quality products at a very low price. Relevant and timely training can provide the valuable guidance that can help suppliers produce the right product for the customers. (iii) The global furniture giant is characterized by lesser hierarchical structure and absence of bureaucracy. This helps the company to have centralized control over key functional activities. The Chairman of the company believes that strategic decisions of an organization should be reached in a simple manner (Rosenhauer, 2008). IKEA also delegates important strategy decisions to their store managers (Nesbitt, 2004). Apparently, this freedom to take decisions will make the managers feel more responsible towards their jobs and they will become more loyal to the organization. Emerging Strategies (i) The company has begun to focus on inviting the customers to be involved in the design and production of the products. IKEA is focussed on redefining roles of their stakeholders in the furniture business so that it can effectively beat the competition (Rosenhauer, 2008). The company has also begun to target young people who have a liking for stylish designs available at affordable price (Winfield et al, 2004). By involving the stakeholders in the design the company can provide customers with products that they really want and this will give them a competitive edge. The company will no longer waste its energies in unproductive work and focus on making only those designs that click. (ii) IKEA was driven to change its strategy and pay more attention to taking care of the environment. The company was criticized for the huge packaging waste, using excess of PVC plastic and cutting trees to make its catalogues. This global home furnishings
Monday, September 9, 2019
Accounting for Costa Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Accounting for Costa Company - Essay Example expenses 4,500 Property taxes 6,500 Rent 22,000 Operating Income 84,100 1. The case of Costa Company reflects a case having one error in the valuation of closing inventory recorded in the company’s books and one omission of sale transaction. Both types of mistakes made by the company can have significant impact on the true reflection of the company’s financial position. As in the case of incorrect valuation of inventories being overstated has a negative impact on the book value of the company and at the same time it causes costs of goods sold to be understated. The understatement of cost of goods sold has a positive impact on the company’s profitability (Weygandt, Kimmel, & Kieso, 2010). This is often done by managers in order to fictitiously boost the company’s profits in the short term to gain certain financial benefits and later on losses are recorded in books, which would ultimately have a negative effect on shareholders’ value invested in the c ompany. Moreover, companies are often involved in changing methods of inventory valuation i.e. FIFO, LIFO, and Average Costing between accounting periods, which if performed without proper scrutiny could lead to major change in the value of the company’s closing inventory and hence, making the financial statements incorrect reflections of the business position. It is therefore necessary for businesses and regulators to ensure that companies maintain uniformity in the selection and application of the accounting standards. If it is deemed necessary then previous accounts must also be revised to reflect the true position of the company’s business (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011). On the other hand, omissions are regarded as certain transactions or amounts deliberately or non-deliberately left out of the company’s books and no entries are made by the company (Warren, Reeve, & Duchac, 2012). In the case of Costa Company, although the amount of sale transaction was not signi ficantly high, but certain transactions could surely mislead the company’s financial position reported to shareholders. This would cause understate profit of the company and hence, it would affect the equity position of the company which is reported as retained earnings in the company’s balance sheet (Porter & Norton, 2010). 2. From the income statement of Costa Company as prepared above it could be indicated that the company is generating a gross profit of $211,790 which is arrived at after deducting costs of goods sold after making adjustment to the closing inventory value from the company’s revenues, which are also adjusted for the missing transaction of $5,000. This reflects that the company is operating at high gross profit margin of almost 34% in the year 2012. After deducting all operating expenses and property taxes the company has generated a net income of $84,100. This is lesser than before which was recorded without taking into account errors and miss tatements. This indicates that if companies fail to take into business transactions or wrongly value and report an entry then this could lead to falsification of the entire financial statement and incorrect information passed onto shareholders who rely on the financial statements for their decisions (Fridson & Alvarez, 2011). This reflects that the company has a net profit margin of 13.5%. All these indicators reflect that the company is a profitable entity and shareholders can expect good returns on their investments in the company. 3. Costa Company 31-Dec-12 Balance Sheet Current Assets Accounts receivable 18,000 Cash 41,500 Inventory
Thesis Exercises Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Thesis Exercises - Assignment Example Since our real world is not single sex, it’s hard for those students who go to single sex school to adapt themselves into society. For instance a female might be afraid of conversation with other guys, or guys might not be able to ask girls on dates, which is horrible in my perspective. Therefore, same sex schools are not a good option. I should take pride in my work. It because a lot of people will judge me with the quality of my work. Doing quality consistent quality work will become a good habit helping me become successful in the future for constantly doing quality work. Volunteering is important. Having many volunteers help society and other people during their time of need making it easier for them to recover. By having many volunteers around, it makes our society more compassionate People should watch less TV. Excessive watching of TV is bad idea because it is a distraction to study. If we will watch less TV, this would mean we will have more time for studying and other more productive activities. People who responsible should be the ones allowed to drive. Being responsibility is being determined by passing the driving test which should be done both in written and practical exam. This would eliminate the irresponsible drivers and would result to fewer accidents on the
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Discuss Carson's view in the context of the history of management Assignment
Discuss Carson's view in the context of the history of management theory and evaluate the relevance of McGregor's theories to th - Assignment Example Valuing employees boosts confidence in employees to work harder than prior performance. An effective workforce allows the organisation to earn success and profitability in the long run as well. All future strategic planning of the organisation can be successfully accomplished via an effective workforce performance. All talented and skilled employees need to be retained by the organisation; they need to ensure that employees are satisfied with the organisation (Guest, 2011). The organisation should work towards developing loyal employees for the firm. In the last couple of years, various researchers have studied the implications of management gurus’ works in contemporary organisations and have realised that firms are using them either as a fashion or fad; they are not utilising them properly within their work context (Cennamo & Gardner, 2008; McLean, 2009). Implementing the strategies within the work context can allows the organisation to accomplish desired results of success. ... Majority of the researchers including Carson et al. (2002), Gallos (2005), Park and Ritson (2005), Tay and Diener (2011) and Wren, Bedeian and Breeze (2002) emphasised the need of modifying the applicable management theory according to the culture of a firm so that it can successfully design a work culture that will be supportive for its business operations. With changing times, the employee mindset and the ways of performing job roles have changed; hence the management theories developed by the earlier management gurus may require some modification in the present work culture. Carson’s viewpoint about history of theory of management According to Carson et al. (2002) who developed a theory known as ‘theory of management fashion’ concluded from their studies that now-a-days the organisations are relying on the models of management that are developed by newly skilled experts commonly referred to as management gurus, consulting firms, business schools and business pu blications in mass media in events of uncertainty. These management gurus are discussed as examples in many of the business schools so that the new generation is well aware of both the prior and new developments in management theories. These models of management have variations from the prior management theories developed in the field of management studies. This theory has been developed keeping in view the variables considered in the management models and how these have been applied in present business scenarios. Carson et al. (1999), cited by Mohr, Young and Burgees (2011), stated that under situations of ambiguity, the corporations who are classified as management fashion followers emulate the innovation models which are promoted by the fashion-setting companies
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